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Understanding Dental Insurance – California Dental Insurance

Jul. 5th 2024

Question: I would like to get dental insurance, but there are so many plans and plan types that I do not understand, and I do not know how to pick a good plan for myself. I get medical insurance through my job, so it’s not like I had to find that alone, but dental is too confusing. How do I go about choosing a dental insurance plan? What should I know? Do you have any tips or advice you can provide me? I am a 25-year-old working primarily full-time. My teeth are in good shape, and as far as I know, I have not been to the dentist in a long while. That’s why I’m seeking dental insurance, as I want to begin visiting a dentist regularly.

Response: Your proactive approach to your dental health is commendable. It’s great that you’re considering dental insurance at this stage, especially as you’re planning to start regular dental visits. The process of choosing the right dental insurance plan can be daunting, but we’re here to guide you through it.

Given your experience with medical insurance through your job, you’re already familiar with the basics of insurance coverage. With dental insurance, it’s essential to consider a few key factors, such as the type of coverage provided, the network of dentists available, and the plan’s overall cost.

As a 25-year-old with good dental health, you may not require an extensive coverage plan. Look for a plan that offers preventative care coverage, including regular check-ups, cleanings, and X-rays. Since you last visited the dentist a while ago, having coverage for potential treatments such as fillings or minor procedures might also be beneficial.

Another crucial aspect to consider is the network of dentists included in the plan. Ensuring that reputable dentists in your area are part of the plan’s network is essential. Ensuring there are dentists in the plan you want to go to will allow you to maximize your coverage and receive quality dental care.

Finally, take the time to compare the costs and benefits of different plans. Look for a balance between affordable monthly premiums and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses for dental services. provides a range of dental insurance plans, including PPO and HMO options. If you have any questions about dental insurance or would like us to walk you through the available plan options, please get in touch with our office at 310-534-3444 during our office hours, Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 4 pm. We are here to assist you in finding the best plan to meet your dental care needs.

Demystifying Dental Insurance: A Guide to Choosing the Right Plan for Your Needs

In this post, we will delve into the complexities of dental insurance, aiming to simplify the jargon and empower you with the knowledge to select a plan that aligns with your specific needs. Whether you’re seeking coverage for routine check-ups, necessary treatments, or orthodontic procedures, this guide will equip you with the information needed to make an informed decision and ensure that your dental insurance meets your unique requirements.

The Types of Denta Insurance Plans

When choosing a dental insurance plan, it’s essential to understand the available options and how they align with your needs. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans to offer a broad network of dentists, providing the freedom to choose any dentist within the network without a referral. These plans also cover out-of-network dentists, albeit at a higher cost. On the other hand, Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans prioritize preventive care with lower out-of-pocket costs and predictable copayments, requiring you to select a primary dentist from the network. Meanwhile, Indemnity Plans offer ultimate flexibility, allowing you to visit any dentist without network restrictions. Your specific dental care needs, budget, and preferences for flexibility will determine the best plan for you. Understanding the details of each plan type is crucial in making an informed decision for your dental care.

1. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO): Some of the benefits and limitations of a PPO dental plan

  • PPO plans offer a vast network of dentists, and you can choose any dentist within the network without a referral.
  • These plans also cover out-of-network dentists, although sometimes at a higher cost or reduced coverage to you.
  • With a PPO plan, you have more flexibility and autonomy in selecting your dental care providers.
  • PPO plans typically involve a deductible and coinsurance, but they often cover a higher percentage of the costs for in-network dental care than out-of-network care.
  • Many PPO plans have waiting periods for basic and major dental care.
  • PPOs have yearly maximum limitations per person.

2. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO): Some of the benefits and limitations of an HMO dental plan

  • HMO plans require you to select a primary dentist from the plan’s network, and you need a referral from this dentist to see a specialist.
  • These plans generally have lower out-of-pocket costs and predictable copayments for covered services.
  • HMO plans prioritize preventive care and regular check-ups, making them suitable for individuals who prefer comprehensive coverage for routine dental care.
  • While HMO plans offer less flexibility in choosing your dentist, they often have lower premiums and may be more cost-effective for those who prioritize budget-friendly options.

3. Indemnity Plans: Some of the benefits and limitations of an Indemnity dental plan

  • Indemnity allows you to seek dental care from any dentist without being restricted to a network.
  • You pay for services upfront and then submit a claim for reimbursement from the insurance provider based on the plan’s coverage.
  • These plans offer the most flexibility in choosing dentists and can benefit individuals with a specific dentist they prefer to see.
  • Indemnity plans may involve higher out-of-pocket costs but provide greater freedom in accessing dental care regardless of the provider.

Ultimately, the best dental insurance plan for you will depend on your specific dental care needs, budget, and preferences for dentist selection and flexibility in care. It’s essential to carefully consider each plan type’s details to determine which aligns most closely with your requirements and priorities. Once you’ve done your research, we encourage you to reach out to a dental insurance provider or broker to discuss your options further and make an informed decision.

Demystifying Dental Insurance: Key Words and Terminology

Today, we will introduce and define some keywords and terms related to dental insurance. Understanding these fundamental concepts will empower you to navigate the complexities of dental insurance and make informed decisions regarding your coverage. Let’s delve into the essential terminology that will help clarify the various aspects of coverage.

  • Annual Maximum: An Annual Maximum is the maximum dollar amount a dental insurance plan will cover for an individual member or a family under a family plan during a specific benefit period, usually a calendar year. The annual maximum serves as the annual cap on the plan’s benefits and includes coverage for various dental treatments and services. Once the annual maximum is reached, the individual or family is responsible for additional dental expenses for the remainder of the benefit period. Knowing the annual maximum when choosing a dental insurance plan is essential, as it can significantly impact the overall coverage and financial responsibility for dental care within a given year.
  • Coinsurance: Coinsurance refers to the portion of the costs of services that the patient is responsible for paying. For instance, if a benefit is covered at 80% by the insurance plan, the remaining 20% becomes the coinsurance obligation for the member. The coinsurance means the patient must cover a certain percentage of the total cost for a particular service, while the insurance plan will pay the remaining percentage.
  • Covered Service: Covered service refers to a dental procedure for which the member’s dental plan provides payment as per the plan’s terms.
  • Deductible: The Deductible refers to the specific dollar amount an individual must pay for certain covered dental services before the dental insurance plan begins to provide benefits. It represents the initial out-of-pocket costs that the member must meet. Once the deductible is satisfied, the insurance company’s benefits will apply toward the price of the covered services. The deductible is the amount that the member is responsible for paying themselves before their plan contributes to covering the expenses. Understanding the deductible is crucial, as it directly impacts the individual’s financial responsibility for dental care services before reaching the coverage phase provided by the plan.
  • Exclusions:  Exclusions are dental services not covered by a dental insurance plan. It’s important to carefully review the list of exclusions in your dental plan to understand which services may not be covered. Typical exclusions may include cosmetic procedures, orthodontic treatment for adults, and specific specialized dental treatments. Understanding these exclusions will help you make informed decisions about your dental care and avoid unexpected expenses.
  • In-Network Dentist: An in-network dentist is a dental professional who has willingly joined a dental plan network and commits to providing professional dental services at pre-established fees.
  • Yearly Maximum Limitation: A yearly maximum limitation in dental insurance refers to the maximum amount the insurance plan will pay for dental care within a year. Once this limit is reached, the individual is responsible for paying all additional dental expenses out of pocket. The yearly maximum limitation varies depending on the specific dental insurance plan, and it typically ranges from $1,000 to $2,000 per year, although some plans may have higher limits. Individuals need to be aware of this limitation to plan their dental expenses accordingly and understand their financial responsibility for dental treatments exceeding the yearly maximum.
  • UCR Fees: UCR fees, or Usual, Customary, and Reasonable fees, refer to the standard costs for dental services in a specific geographic area. Insurance companies use these fees to determine the maximum amount they will reimburse for a particular procedure. UCR fees help establish a baseline for the cost of dental care, ensuring that insurance coverage is aligned with prevailing industry standards. When a dental service is performed, the dentist submits a claim to the insurance company, which compares the billed amount to the UCR fee for that service in the same area. Reimbursement is typically based on the UCR fee; any difference is the patient’s responsibility. It’s essential to understand UCR fees when evaluating dental insurance plans to ensure that the coverage aligns with your area’s actual cost of services.
  • Waiting Periods: The waiting period is the duration before a member becomes eligible to receive benefits for specific treatments or all services under their plan. This waiting period usually applies to costly procedures such as dental crowns or dentures. During this time, the member may be unable to access coverage for these services until the waiting period has elapsed.

Choosing the Right Dental Plan: 10 Tips for Finding a Plan that Suits Your Dental Care Needs

When looking for the right dental plan, consider the following tips to find a plan that suits your dental care needs:

1. Assess Your Dental Care Needs: Consider your current and potential future dental needs. If you anticipate needing major dental work shortly, you may want a plan with more comprehensive coverage.

2. Network Dentists: Check if your preferred dentist is in-network with the plan you’re considering. If you don’t have a preferred dentist, review the network of dentists associated with each plan to ensure there are options conveniently located for you.

3. Coverage and Benefits: Understand the coverage provided by each plan. Compare the services covered, such as routine cleanings, fillings, crowns, and orthodontic treatment, and consider any waiting periods for specific procedures.

4. Cost and Affordability: Evaluate the monthly premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and any out-of-pocket limits for each plan. Also, consider the overall cost if you anticipate needing more extensive dental work.

5. Plan Flexibility: Assess the flexibility of each plan. Some plans may restrict how often you receive specific treatments, while others offer more flexibility and choices.

6. Customer Reviews: Research customer reviews and ratings for the dental plans you are considering to gauge overall satisfaction and experiences with the coverage and service.

7. Additional Benefits: Some dental plans offer additional perks, such as orthodontics, cosmetic procedures, or discounted vision care coverage. Evaluate if these extra benefits align with your needs.

8. Consider Family Needs: If you are selecting a plan for your family, consider each family member’s unique dental care needs, including children and seniors.

9. Compare Multiple Plans: Obtain and compare quotes from multiple dental insurance providers to ensure you are getting the best value for the coverage you need.

10. Consultation: If you have specific questions or uncertainties, consider consulting with a dental insurance representative or a licensed insurance broker to understand better the available plans and their suitability for your needs.

Enhance Your Dental Health with Comprehensive Coverage and Informative Blog  provides a range of dental insurance plans, including PPO and HMO options. We offer assistance and guidance in finding the best dental insurance plan to meet your dental care needs. At, we have a comprehensive and informative blog that covers various topics related to dental insurance, dental care, and dental health. Whether you’re looking for tips on maintaining good oral hygiene or understanding different dental insurance plans, our blog offers valuable insights to help you make informed decisions about your dental health. From articles on the importance of regular dental check-ups to guides on navigating the complexities of dental insurance, the blog is an excellent resource for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of dental care. If you have any questions about dental insurance or would like to explore the available plan options, you can contact their office at 310-534-3444 during their office hours, Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 4 pm.

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Are Individual Dental Insurance Plans Worth Buying?

Jun. 28th 2024

Let’s delve into the question: Are individual dental insurance plans worth buying? One key factor to consider when assessing the value of a dental insurance plan is your anticipated usage. Dental insurance is a prudent investment if you expect regular dental care, such as cleanings, check-ups, or any necessary dental procedures. By opting for an individual dental insurance plan, you invest in your oral health and make a sound financial decision. Consider this: the average cost of a dental filling without insurance is $200 to $600, while the monthly premiums of having a dental insurance plan are relatively small in comparison.

Moreover, having dental coverage can offer peace of mind, knowing you’re financially prepared for any unexpected dental issues. For instance, the costs could be significantly higher without insurance if you suddenly need a root canal or crown. Ultimately, purchasing an individual dental insurance plan hinges on your dental needs and financial situation. However, if you foresee needing dental care, having a plan in place can be a prudent and reassuring decision.

When considering dental insurance options, it’s essential to carefully compare the coverage and benefits offered against the cost while also understanding the limitations and exclusions of each plan. Consider factors such as the annual maximum, waiting periods, and coverage for preventive care. Ask questions like, ‘Does this plan cover regular cleanings?’ or ‘What is the waiting period for major procedures?’ numerous options are available since there isn’t a one-size-fits-all dental insurance plan. By thoroughly reviewing these plans and considering these factors, you can select one that provides the most value for the cost.

We are here to assist you if you have any inquiries about the dental insurance plans available or want a complimentary dental quote from Our team can address your insurance-related queries and guide you in selecting a plan that perfectly aligns with your dental care requirements. Call our member service line at 310-534-3444 M – F 8 am -4 pm.

Understanding the Consequences of Neglecting Dental Appointments

Using your dental insurance plan is just as critical as having it. Shockingly, one-fourth (22.1%) of individuals with private health insurance and dental coverage did not make a dentist visit in the last 12 months. The longer you go without visiting a dentist, the greater your chances of developing cavities. If it’s been three years or more since your last dental check-up, you might be at risk for long-term dental neglect effects. Failure to prioritize dental care can result in various dental issues, including tooth decay, gum disease, and even tooth loss.

Regular dental appointments are fundamental to maintaining good oral health. Oral hygiene encompasses a range of practices that are pivotal in preventing dental issues. Neglecting routine dental visits can significantly elevate the risk of dental problems such as cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay.

One of the primary drawbacks of skipping dental appointments is the increased likelihood of encountering dental problems due to neglecting preventive care. Regular check-ups enable dental professionals to detect and address dental issues early, mitigating the need for more complex and costly treatments.

Furthermore, disregarding dental care can result in poor oral hygiene, thereby giving rise to various issues such as bad breath, tooth discoloration, and, potentially, tooth loss. By failing to attend regular dental appointments, one misses out on vital preventative measures crucial for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

In conclusion, the ramifications of skipping dental appointments are multifaceted, encompassing the impact on oral hygiene, the potential escalation of dental issues due to a lack of preventive care, and the overall implications for oral health. Regular dental visits are indispensable in upholding optimal oral hygiene and promptly addressing dental concerns. Therefore, prioritizing dental care and not forgoing regular check-ups is imperative for preserving one’s oral well-being.

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Family Delta Dental California – California Dental Insurance 

Jun. 3rd 2024

Question: I have a family of four and am looking for a good dental insurance plan since I am new to California. A friend has advised that Delta Dental is a good plan, but which Delta Dental plan is the best?  

Answer: Delta Dental offers a range of dental insurance plans, making it a popular choice for individuals and families alike. With various plan options, Delta Dental provides flexibility to cater to different dental care needs. For instance, the maximum limitation for Delta Dental plans can range from $1000 to $3000, allowing individuals to select a strategy that aligns with their anticipated dental care requirements.

Moreover, the Delta Dental HMO plan presents a more cost-effective option for Californians. This plan is designed to provide quality dental coverage at an affordable rate, making it an attractive choice for many individuals and families.

If you’re considering Delta Dental for your dental insurance needs, assessing your specific requirements is essential to determine the most suitable plan for you and your family. Whether you prioritize preventive dental care or anticipate needing more extensive dental services, Delta Dental has options to accommodate various preferences.

For more information about Delta Dental plans or any other dental insurance options, contact member services at 310-534-3444. The team at is always ready to assist you in finding the best plan tailored to your dental care needs.

Delta Dental of California and Affiliates: Promoting Oral Health Since 1955

Delta Dental of California and its affiliates have been at the forefront of offering comprehensive and high-quality oral health care benefits since 1955. With a solid commitment to providing top-notch dental coverage, our network includes several affiliates, such as Delta Dental Insurance Company, Delta Dental of Pennsylvania, Delta Dental of New York, Inc., Delta Dental of the District of Columbia, Delta Dental of Delaware, Inc., and Delta Dental of West Virginia. Delta Dental proudly caters to the dental needs of over 31 million people across 15 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

As part of the Delta Dental Plans Association (DDPA), a not-for-profit national association headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, we work tirelessly to ensure that individuals and families have access to superior dental benefits. Through its extensive national network of Delta Dental companies, Delta Dental extends its dental coverage to all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and other U.S. territories. Moreover, we also offer vision coverage through DeltaVision in 15 states and the District of Columbia. Delta Dental’s collective efforts benefit more Americans than any other dental insurance company, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to promoting oral health nationwide.

Braking Down a PPO Dental Insurance Plan

A PPO plan is a regular indemnity plan combined with a network of dentists under contract to the insurance company to deliver specified services for discounted fees by provisions in the signed agreement. This means that as a member of the PPO plan, you can choose your dentist from within the network without needing a referral. By doing so, you can benefit from lower out-of-pocket costs for various dental procedures and treatments. This type of plan empowers you to take control of your dental health while managing your expenses effectively.

Pros of a PPO plan:

1. Network of Dentists: PPO plans offer a network of dentists who have agreed to accept contracted fees for their services, making it easier for plan members to access affordable dental care. Plan members can benefit from the cost savings and predictable out-of-pocket expenses by choosing a dentist within the network. However, if they opt to see an out-of-network dentist, it’s important to note that this may result in higher out-of-pocket costs. Therefore, it’s advisable for plan members to carefully consider their options and weigh the potential cost implications when seeking dental care outside of the network.

2. Cost-sharing: PPO plans typically involve cost-sharing, where the insurance company pays a percentage of the cost for covered services, and the member pays the remaining percentage.

3. Flexibility: PPO plans offer more flexibility in choosing dentists than HMO plans, as members can see any dentist, whether in-network or out-of-network, without requiring a referral.

Cons of a PPO plan:

1. Higher premiums: PPO plans typically have higher premiums than HMO plans.

2. Out-of-network costs: While PPO plans offer out-of-network coverage, members may face higher out-of-pocket costs when seeing dentists outside the network.

3. Coordination of benefits: Members may need to coordinate benefits if they have dual coverage, which can be more complex than HMO plans.

Before enrolling, it’s important to carefully review the details of any PPO plan to understand its specific coverage, costs, and provider network.

Braking Down an HMO Dental Insurance Plan

An HMO dental insurance plan, or Health Maintenance Organization dental plan, operates on a managed care model, providing comprehensive dental care services through a network of dentists and dental facilities. Members within the HMO network must choose a primary dentist and coordinate all dental care through this dentist, who acts as the gatekeeper for all dental services, including referrals to specialists when necessary.

Pros of an HMO dental insurance plan:

1. Cost-effective: HMO plans typically have lower premiums and out-of-pocket costs than other dental insurance plans, making them a financially attractive option for individuals and families.

2. Preventive care emphasis: HMO plans often prioritize preventive dental care, including regular cleanings, exams, and x-rays, which can contribute to maintaining good oral health and preventing more extensive dental issues.

3. No claim forms: Members of HMO plans do not have to deal with claim forms, as the primary dentist manages all necessary paperwork and referrals within the network.

Cons of an HMO dental insurance plan:

1. Limited provider network: HMO plans restrict members to a specific network of dentists and specialists, limiting the choice of practitioners and treatment options. Seeking care outside of the network may result in additional costs not covered by the plan.

2. Referral requirement: Members must obtain referrals from their primary dentist to see a specialist, which can add an extra step and potentially delay access to specialized dental care.

3. Reduced flexibility: HMO plans may limit members’ flexibility in choosing a dentist, particularly if they prefer to see a specific provider outside the HMO network.

When evaluating whether an HMO dental insurance plan is the right choice for you and your family, it’s essential to carefully consider these factors and assess your specific dental care needs.

Why Buying Dental Insurance Is a Good Choice for Your Family 

Investing in dental insurance for your family is a wise decision that can provide numerous benefits in the long run. Dental insurance helps ensure that your family’s oral health needs are handled without damaging your finances. Here are a few reasons why buying dental insurance is a wise investment for your family:

1. Affordable Preventive Care: Dental insurance typically covers the cost of preventive services such as regular cleanings, check-ups, and X-rays. By investing in dental insurance, you can encourage your family to prioritize preventive care, which can help avoid more significant dental issues.

2. Financial Protection: Dental treatments and procedures can be expensive, especially if unexpected issues arise. With dental insurance, you can mitigate the financial burden of costly dental procedures, ensuring your family can access necessary treatments without worrying about the steep expenses.

3. Access to Quality Care: Having dental insurance gives your family access to a network of dentists and specialists in the insurance provider’s network. This ensures that your family can receive high-quality dental care from trusted professionals.

4. Peace of Mind: Dental insurance provides peace of mind, knowing that your family’s dental needs are covered. It eliminates the stress of paying for unexpected dental expenses and allows you to focus on maintaining good oral health for your loved ones.

5. Long-Term Savings: Investing in dental insurance can lead to long-term savings by addressing dental issues early on, preventing the need for more extensive and expensive treatments in the future.

In conclusion, buying dental insurance is a wise investment for your family as it promotes oral health, provides financial protection, grants access to quality care, offers peace of mind, and can lead to long-term savings. By prioritizing your family’s oral health through dental insurance, you invest in their well-being. provides a wide range of dental insurance plans tailored to meet the diverse needs of individuals, couples, and families. Whether you are looking for coverage for yourself, your partner, or your entire family, offers comprehensive plans designed to cater to your specific requirements. With options including PPO and HMO plans, you can choose the coverage that best suits your preferences and budget.

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Dental HMO Insurance Plans in California

May. 27th 2024

Question: I have a 13-year-old son who needs dental care but does not have dental insurance. Since I am not seeking dental care, can I buy my son a dental HMO insurance plan? I am asking because I am on a fixed income and want to spend the least amount possible. I want to get dental insurance for my son and make his dental care more affordable. 

Answer: Your role in this decision-making process is crucial. Some dental HMO plans allow you to purchase a plan for a minor, while others require at least one adult listed as head of household. It’s advisable to consider buying a plan for yourself and your minor son. If you don’t have dental insurance, the cost difference between a couple and an individual HMO plan is generally insignificant, around $10.00 – $15.00 more a month. If you have any questions about the different dental insurance plan options we provide on our website, please call our member services at 310-534-3444. We’re here to assist you in picking the right plan and coverage for you and your son. Remember, you’re not alone in this process.

Hello and welcome! This article will explore the various types of dental insurance available. Whether you’re seeking coverage for yourself, your family, or your employees, understanding the different options will help you make an informed decision. Let’s explore the world of dental insurance together.

When considering dental insurance for your minor child, it’s important to note that not all insurance companies will have a minor only on the plan as an individual plan. In some cases, you may have to have an adult and a minor child buying a couple plan. The couple’s plan for dental insurance is either two married adults or an adult with their minor child. To find out if you can only have a minor on a dental insurance plan you are reviewing, you can call and confirm for each plan. However, even on a fixed income, consider insuring yourself. Sometimes, the cost difference between an individual and a couple plan is insignificant compared to paying the total cost for dental services when you may need it. 

An HMO insurance plan may be excellent for fixed or low-income dental coverage. Dental HMO insurance plans range from $7.95 to $35.00 for individual or couple plans. Most HMOs provide free to low-cost preventive dental care services to maintain good oral health and avoid more extensive dental care needs. With an HMO dental insurance policy, you can save money on your child’s dental care needs. 

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What is Dental Insurance, and Why should you have it?

May. 20th 2024

Enrolling in a dental insurance plan secures your overall health and well-being and provides a strong sense of reassurance. With a network of dentists and specialists at your disposal, you can rest easy knowing that you’ll always have access to the care you need, all at an affordable cost. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings, covered by insurance, allow you to maintain good oral health and address any issues before they become more severe and costly. Many dental insurance plans also offer coverage for procedures such as fillings, crowns, and even orthodontic treatment, providing financial peace of mind and making quality dental care accessible.

With dental insurance, you can take proactive steps to prioritize your oral health without the burden of financial worries. Whether it’s a routine check-up or an unexpected dental emergency, having insurance means you can seek treatment promptly, minimizing discomfort and preventing dental issues from escalating. This financial security lets you focus on your health, knowing the cost is covered, and relieves you from the stress of unexpected dental expenses. It’s about being in control of your oral health journey.

Investing in dental insurance is not just about the present; it’s about securing a healthier future. It demonstrates your commitment to your well-being and sends a message to your loved ones that you prioritize preventive care. It’s a responsible choice that can lead to long-term savings and better overall health. You’re investing in a brighter, healthier future by taking the first step toward a healthier smile and considering enrolling in a dental insurance plan today. It’s about looking forward to a future with fewer dental issues and more smiles.

Know Your Dental Insurance Policy

Reading your dental insurance policy is crucial to fully understanding what is and is not covered and the limitations of your coverage. For instance, most dental insurance policies cover routine check-ups, cleanings, and some standard procedures. Still, they may not fully cover specialized treatments, such as orthodontic care for adults, cosmetic procedures, or extensive restorative work. By familiarizing yourself with your policy details, you can make informed decisions about your dental care and avoid unexpected expenses.

Knowing the specifics of your dental insurance policy allows you to maximize its benefits. You can use covered services such as routine check-ups, cleanings, and preventive care to maintain oral health without incurring additional costs. Additionally, understanding your policy’s limitations can help you plan for potential out-of-pocket expenses for procedures that may not be fully covered.

Knowing your dental insurance policy can also help you make informed choices when seeking dental care. For instance, if your policy covers 80% of the filling cost, typically $ 200, you would know that your insurance would cover $ 160, and you would be responsible for the remaining $ 40. This knowledge can guide you in prioritizing necessary treatments and procedures based on the available coverage. You can select dentists and specialists within your network to ensure you receive the maximum benefits from your insurance. Moreover, understanding what is covered can guide you in prioritizing necessary treatments and procedures based on the available coverage.

By being aware of the details of your dental insurance policy, you can avoid surprises and better manage your oral health expenses. This knowledge empowers you to make proactive decisions about your dental care, ensuring you receive the necessary treatments while optimizing your insurance’s benefits.

Understanding the Importance of Planning for Dental Costs Not Covered by Insurance

As you learn more about your dental insurance plan, you may understand the importance of having a plan for the costs of dental services that are not covered. While dental insurance provides valuable coverage for a range of preventive and restorative treatments, there are often limitations to what is included in your dental insurance plan. This realization can lead you to consider planning for potential out-of-pocket expenses and exploring additional options to ensure comprehensive dental care.

While dental insurance is a valuable resource that provides coverage for routine check-ups, cleanings, and some standard procedures, more may be needed to address all dental needs fully. For example, dental insurance plans may not fully cover specialized treatments, such as orthodontic care for adults, cosmetic procedures, or extensive restorative work. In these cases, individuals may face significant out-of-pocket expenses if they do not have a plan to address these costs. This could lead to the risk of delaying or forgoing necessary treatments, which could result in more severe oral health issues and potentially higher costs in the long run.

By planning for the potential costs of dental services not covered by insurance, individuals can ensure they have the financial means to address their comprehensive dental care needs. This proactive approach allows for greater peace of mind and helps to avoid unexpected financial burdens when seeking necessary dental treatments.

Exploring additional options to supplement dental insurance, such as flexible spending accounts (FSAs) or health savings accounts (HSAs), can provide a valuable means of setting aside funds specifically for dental expenses. FSAs are employer-sponsored benefit plans that allow you to set aside pre-tax dollars for qualified medical and dental expenses. HSAs, on the other hand, are tax-advantaged savings accounts that you can use to pay for qualified medical and dental expenses if you have a high-deductible health plan. Understanding the difference between these two options can help you choose the one that best suits your needs.

In addition to financial planning, exploring alternative dental care options such as discount dental plans or direct payment arrangements with dental providers can offer additional avenues for accessing affordable care. For instance, a discount dental plan might offer a 20% discount on all dental services, significantly reducing out-of-pocket expenses. On the other hand, direct payment arrangements allow you to negotiate a lower fee with your dentist in exchange for paying in cash upfront. These options can provide discounted rates on dental services and treatments, making comprehensive dental care more accessible for individuals who may not have full coverage through their insurance plan.

Ultimately, individuals can ensure they have the resources needed to prioritize their oral health by acknowledging the limitations of dental insurance and taking a proactive approach to planning for the costs of services not covered by a plan. For instance, let’s say you have a dental insurance plan that covers 80% of the filling cost, typically costing $ 200. This means your insurance would cover $ 160, and you would be responsible for the remaining $ 40. By setting aside a portion of your monthly income to cover these potential out-of-pocket expenses, you can avoid unexpected financial burdens when seeking necessary dental treatments.

Here are some tips on how to save and budget money for dental care costs

1. Set up a separate savings account: Create a dedicated account for dental expenses. Putting money aside will help you keep track of your dental care funds separately from your regular savings. This can make it easier to see how much you’ve saved specifically for dental care and how much you’ve spent, helping you manage your dental care budget more effectively.

2. Estimate your dental expenses: Consider your annual dental check-ups, potential treatments, and any ongoing dental issues. Based on this estimation, you can set a savings goal for your dental fund.

3. Budget for dental care: Allocate your monthly budget towards your dental savings. Treating it like any other essential expense will help ensure that you consistently contribute to your dental fund.

4. Prioritize preventive care: Most dental insurance plans provide accessible, low-cost preventive care. With dental insurance, you can prioritize your regular dental check-ups and cleanings. Proper preventive care helps reduce the need for more extensive and expensive treatments down the line.

5. Explore payment options with your dentist: Some dental offices offer payment plans or discounts for cash payments. Inquire about these options to see if they can help make dental care more affordable.

By following these tips, you can proactively save and budget for dental care costs, ensuring you have the financial resources to maintain good oral health.

Dental HMO Insurance Plans

Dental HMO insurance plans are an excellent option for individuals with a low or fixed income. These plans provide an affordable choice, with costs averaging between $8.00 and $30.00, depending on the specific plan and the number of individuals covered. 

One of the primary benefits of HMO plans is their transparent fee schedule, clearly outlining what is covered and the cost for each dental service. This transparency of the expenses facilitates budgeting for both current dental services and future dental care needs. Enrolling in a dental HMO insurance plan allows individuals to access essential dental care without worrying about unexpected financial burdens, ensuring peace of mind and proactive oral health management. 

If you would like to learn more about the Dental HMO insurance plan options available at, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at 310-534-3444. We would be delighted to address any questions, offer you a quote, and assist you in starting your purchase.

Dental PPO Insurance Plans

With a dental PPO plan, while the costs may be higher than HMO insurance plans, the trade-off is the valuable flexibility of keeping your current dentist or choosing a dentist. This freedom to select your preferred dental care provider can be a significant advantage for many individuals. However, it is essential to be proactive in understanding the details of the dental benefits offered by the PPO plan and to budget for your dental care costs effectively. You can make informed decisions about your dental care by being more aware of the coverage and potential out-of-pocket expenses. Despite the potential for higher fees, PPO plans can be a great choice as they offer the flexibility to save money on your dental care expenses, especially if you prioritize the ability to choose your dental care providers.

If you want to learn more about the Dental PPO insurance plans offered at, please get in touch with our office at 310-534-3444. We’re here to answer any questions, provide a quote, and help you start your purchase.

Posted by carol | in California Dental Insurance, Careington Dental Plan, Delta Dental DeltaCare, Dental Insurance California, Dental Plan California, Individual Dental Insurance | Comments Off on What is Dental Insurance, and Why should you have it?

Preventing Tooth Decay: Understanding Symptoms and Signs of Cavities

May. 13th 2024

At, we firmly believe that dental care should be accessible and affordable for everyone. That’s why we offer a range of dental insurance policies tailored to the needs of individuals and families alike. Our policies cover a wide range of dental procedures, from routine check-ups to significant treatments like root canals and orthodontics. More importantly, they provide a sense of financial security, protecting you against unexpected dental expenses. With our dental insurance, you can rest easy, knowing that you and your loved ones are covered, no matter what dental issues may arise.

In this article, we will discuss one of the most common dental issues faced by people of all ages: tooth decay. We will delve into the causes of tooth decay and empower you with the preventive measures that can be taken to maintain good oral health. By the end of this article, you will gain a better understanding of tooth decay and how to prevent it from affecting your teeth.

Getting dental insurance is a straightforward process if you’re ready to protect your oral health and ensure financial security for your dental needs. Call us at 310-534-3444 or visit our website to get a quote and choose a policy that suits your needs. Our team of friendly and knowledgeable representatives is always ready to assist you with any queries about our dental insurance policies or our services. With dental insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your dental care is covered, reducing the financial burden of unexpected dental expenses. Let’s examine tooth decay and explore ways to maintain good oral health.

Understanding Tooth Decay: Symptoms and Signs of Cavities

In our previous discussion, we examined what tooth decay is and some of its common causes. This post will delve into the symptoms of tooth decay and cavities. There may be no noticeable symptoms in the early stages of tooth decay. However, as the decay progresses, it can cause various dental issues, such as:

1. Toothache (tooth pain): Toothache or tooth pain is a common dental problem that various factors, such as tooth decay, gum disease, tooth abscess, or injury to the tooth, can cause. However, tooth decay is the most common cause of toothache. Tooth decay can cause a sharp or throbbing pain that can be unbearable when it reaches the inner layer of the tooth (dentin), where the nerves are located.

The pain may be triggered by hot or cold foods and beverages, sweet foods, biting or chewing pressure, or even just touching the affected tooth. In some cases, the pain may radiate to the jaw, ear, or neck, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact location of the problem tooth. 

It’s essential to address a toothache promptly as it can indicate a more severe dental issue that requires immediate attention. Delaying treatment can result in the spread of infection, which can lead to tooth loss, gum disease, or even systemic health issues. Therefore, if you experience tooth pain, it’s crucial to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible to determine the underlying cause and receive the necessary treatment.

2. Tooth sensitivity to sweets, hot, or cold: If you feel a sharp pain or discomfort in your teeth while consuming hot or cold drinks, candies, or acidic foods, it could be a sign of tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem that affects many people. Various factors such as tooth decay, worn tooth enamel, gum recession, or cracked teeth can cause tooth sensitivity.

Tooth decay is one of the most common causes of tooth sensitivity. When tooth decay occurs, the enamel on the tooth has been eroded, exposing the sensitive inner layers of the tooth. The erosion makes the tooth more susceptible to pain or discomfort when exposed to hot or cold drinks, sweets, or acidic foods.

Apart from tooth decay, other factors that can cause tooth sensitivity include:

  • Brushing your teeth too hard.
  • Grinding your teeth, gum disease.
  • Using tooth-whitening products.

If you experience tooth sensitivity, you must visit your dentist for a proper diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, your dentist may recommend using desensitizing toothpaste, fluoride treatments, or dental bonding to alleviate the symptoms of tooth sensitivity.

In conclusion, tooth sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods can indicate dental problems such as tooth decay, gum recession, or worn tooth enamel. If you experience tooth sensitivity, it’s essential to consult your dentist to determine the cause and get the proper treatment to alleviate the symptoms.

3. White or brown stains on the surface of a tooth: White or brown stains on your teeth can be a cause for concern, as they may indicate tooth decay. Tooth decay is a common dental problem when the bacteria in your mouth produce acids that break down the minerals in your tooth enamel. This process can cause the formation of small white or brown spots on the surface of your teeth, which may eventually lead to cavities if left untreated.

The primary cause of these stains is the loss of minerals from the tooth’s enamel, known as demineralization. If you notice any white or brown spots on your teeth, seeing your dentist as soon as possible is essential. Your dentist can examine your teeth and recommend appropriate treatment options to prevent further decay and restore oral health.

In some cases, these stains may be caused by other factors such as poor oral hygiene, smoking, or consuming acidic foods and drinks. However, tooth decay remains the most common cause of white or brown stains on teeth. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain good oral hygiene habits such as brushing and flossing regularly, avoiding sugary and acidic foods, and visiting your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings.

4. An infection can lead to an abscess (pocket of pus) forming: When a tooth is infected, it can lead to an abscess, a pocket of pus that can cause various unpleasant symptoms. If you don’t promptly address dental decay, it can cause progression to the tooth’s pulp, the soft tissue at the center of the tooth. When this happens, bacteria can enter the pulp and cause an infection, resulting in an abscess. 

An abscess is a serious dental condition that can cause significant discomfort, including severe pain and facial swelling. Additionally, an abscess can lead to other health complications, such as fever, headache, and even difficulty breathing in severe cases. 

It is essential to address dental decay and infections promptly to avoid the formation of an abscess. Regular dental check-ups, which are covered by our dental insurance policies, can help identify any issues early on, allowing for prompt treatment and preventing the development of more serious dental conditions. These check-ups typically include thoroughly examining your teeth and gums, professional cleaning, and X-rays if necessary. If you experience any symptoms of an abscess, such as persistent pain, swelling, or fever, it is crucial to seek dental care right away for proper treatment.

It is crucial to seek dental treatment promptly if you experience any of these symptoms. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices can help prevent tooth decay and cavities. Remember, prevention is always better than cure.

Effective Treatments for Tooth Decay and Cavities: A Comprehensive Guide

Tooth decay and cavities can cause significant discomfort and pain if left untreated. Fortunately, several treatments are available to address these problems and restore dental health. The type of treatment you receive will depend on the severity of the decay and cavity. Let’s explore the various treatments available for tooth decay and cavities.

1. Fluoride Treatments: Fluoride treatments are an effective way to treat early tooth decay. Fluoride is a mineral that can help repair the enamel and prevent further decay. During this treatment, your dentist will apply a high fluoride concentration to your teeth as a gel, foam, or varnish. Fluoride will be absorbed into the enamel and help replace the minerals lost due to decay. Fluoride treatment is a quick and painless procedure that can be done during a routine check-up.

2. Fillings: Fillings are the most common treatment for cavities. During this procedure, your dentist will remove the decayed tooth tissue and clean the area thoroughly. Then, they will fill the cavity with a filling material, such as amalgam, composite resin, or gold. The filling material will restore the tooth’s shape, function, and strength. Fillings are a simple and effective way to treat cavities, and the procedure is typically done in one visit.

3. Root Canal: If the decay has reached the pulp (inside the tooth), you may need a root canal. During this procedure, your dentist will remove the infected pulp and clean the inside of the tooth and root canals. After cleaning the tooth, The dentist will fill it with a temporary filling, and they will ask you to come back for a permanent filling or a crown. A root canal is a more invasive procedure than a filling, but it is necessary to prevent the spread of infection and save the tooth.

4. Extraction: In severe cases, extraction may be the only option when the tooth is beyond repair. Your dentist will remove the damaged tooth from its socket during this procedure. After the extraction, you may need a bridge or implant to replace the missing tooth. If the gap is left untreated, the surrounding teeth may shift, causing problems with your bite and jaw alignment.

In conclusion, tooth decay and cavities are common dental problems that can be treated effectively and adequately. If you suspect that you have tooth decay or cavities, it is essential to schedule an appointment with your dentist immediately. Your dentist will examine your teeth, determine the severity of the problem, and recommend the most appropriate treatment to restore your dental health. Remember, early detection and treatment of tooth decay and cavities can prevent more severe dental problems in the future.

The Importance of Dental Insurance in Maintaining Good Oral Health and Treating Dental Decay

Dental insurance can be a valuable resource in maintaining good oral health and treating dental decay. Policies typically cover a wide range of dental procedures, from routine check-ups to significant treatments like root canals and orthodontics. Dental insurance gives you financial security in the event of unexpected dental expenses, which can substantially burden your budget.

When it comes to treating dental decay, dental insurance can help offset the cost of treatment. The cost of treating dental decay can vary depending on the severity of the decay and the type of treatment needed. For example, if the decay is caught early, it may only require a simple filling, which can be relatively inexpensive. However, if the decay is advanced, it may require a more complex procedure, such as a root canal or crown, which can be more costly.

Having dental insurance can help you avoid the high out-of-pocket costs of dental decay treatment. Dental insurance policies typically cover a significant portion of the cost of treatment, reducing your financial burden. This means you can get the treatment you need to maintain good oral health without worrying about the price.

Moreover, dental insurance can help you maintain good oral health by covering the cost of routine check-ups and cleanings. By visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings, you can catch dental issues early before they become more severe and costly. Dental insurance policies typically cover the cost of these preventative procedures, ensuring you can maintain good oral health without worrying about the price.

Dental insurance can be valuable in maintaining good oral health and treating dental decay. Dental insurance gives you financial security in the event of unexpected dental expenses and access to routine check-ups and cleanings to prevent dental issues from becoming more severe and costly to treat. So, if you want to ensure your oral health and reduce the financial burden of dental expenses, consider getting dental insurance today.

In conclusion, tooth decay is a common dental problem that can lead to various dental issues such as toothache, tooth sensitivity, and white or brown stains on the surface of a tooth. Preventive measures such as brushing and flossing regularly, eating a balanced diet, and visiting your dentist for routine check-ups can help maintain good oral health and prevent tooth decay. Dental insurance can also provide financial security and peace of mind, covering you and your loved ones against unexpected dental expenses. If you’re experiencing any dental problems, it’s essential to seek the advice of a dental professional and get the necessary treatment to avoid more severe dental problems in the future.

Posted by carol | in California Dental Insurance, Careington Dental Plan, Dental Insurance California, Dental Plan California, Individual Dental Insurance, Supplemental Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Preventing Tooth Decay: Understanding Symptoms and Signs of Cavities

California Dental Insurance on Dental Discount Plans.

Apr. 29th 2024

Question: It has been challenging to make ends meet when I have no dental insurance and a tight budget. Despite wanting to prioritize my oral health, the cost of dental care has been prohibitive, leading to me putting off my routine check-ups and cleanings. Unfortunately, this led to more significant problems that got untreated and worsened over time. 

Recently, after delaying my visits to the dentist due to financial constraints and pandemic-related disruptions, I was informed that I require several fillings, a root canal, and a crown. However, the cost of these critical dental services is too high for me to manage. My dentist has suggested that I consider obtaining dental insurance, but the premiums for coverage are steep, ranging from $50 to $85 per month. 

To find a more affordable solution, I sought advice from friends. They warned you against opting for a dental discount plan, citing concerns that the savings are not significant enough to justify the cost. Is their advice accurate, and are other options available to help make dental care more manageable and affordable?

Reply: I’m sorry to hear you’re facing financial constraints regarding dental care. It’s a common issue that many people face, and you’re understandably looking for an affordable solution.

As you’ve rightly pointed out, it’s crucial to prioritize your oral health. Delaying routine check-ups and cleanings can lead to more severe problems, as you’ve unfortunately experienced. When dental issues go untreated, they can worsen over time, leading to the need for more extensive and expensive treatments.

Regarding your question about dental insurance, it’s essential to understand the benefits and drawbacks of obtaining coverage. Dental insurance can make dental care more manageable and affordable by covering some or all of the costs of specific procedures. However, as you’ve noted, the premiums for dental insurance can also be steep, ranging from $50 to $85 per month. Additionally, some dental insurance plans have waiting periods before you can use certain services, and there may be limits on the amount of coverage you can receive.

Dental discount plans offer reduced dental service prices for a monthly or yearly fee. While there are concerns that the savings may not be significant enough to justify the cost, they’re worth considering if you’re looking for a more affordable option. Researching and comparing different dental discount plans is essential to find one that offers the services you need at a price that fits your budget.

Other options for making dental care more affordable include seeking out community health clinics offering reduced prices or on a sliding scale based on income. Consider negotiating with your dentist for a payment plan or discussing alternative, less expensive treatments.

In this post, we will break down some helpful tips that you can apply to make dental care more affordable. If you have any questions or want a free dental insurance quote, please get in touch with us at 310-534-3444 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. At, we are always ready to assist you with finding the best dental insurance coverage that fits your budget and needs. So, feel free to contact us for any assistance you need.

What is a Dental Discount Plan, and How Can You Benefit From Having One? 

A dental discount plan is a program that offers reduced dental service prices for a low monthly or yearly fee. These plans can be more affordable than dental insurance, which may have higher premiums and waiting periods. With a dental discount plan, you can save money on most dental care services, including routine check-ups, cleanings, and more extensive procedures like fillings, root canals, and crowns. However, while the savings can be significant, they may not be large enough for someone on a tight budget. To provide an example of this, here is a short story: 

Jenny had been struggling to find affordable dental care for her family. She had heard about dental discount plans and decided to enroll in one. The plan was cheap and saved her money on routine check-ups and cleanings. However, regarding more extensive procedures like root canals and crowns, the plan’s discount was not enough to make the cost affordable for her tight budget.

Jenny was disappointed with the savings on the more extensive dental services she needed. Though the cost was reduced, it was still too costly for her to pay out of pocket. She realized that while dental discount plans can be helpful, they may only sometimes provide significant enough savings for those on a tighter budget. 

Despite this setback, Jenny continued to rely on the dental discount plan for routine dental care. She also researched other options for financial assistance, such as payment plans and charitable organizations that offer dental care services. She was determined to find a way to provide her family with the dental care they needed without putting a strain on her budget. 

In the end, Jenny found a balance between using the dental discount plan for routine care and seeking other financial assistance for more extensive needs. She learned the importance of researching and comparing options to find the best solution for her family’s dental health and budget.

This story about Jenny shows how helpful the dentist discount plan was. It was not 100 percent what she needed, and she still had to find other ways to offset her dental care costs. Though your friends are right that dental discount plans are not insurance, and the savings may not be enough in all cases however, for a plan that averages around $7.00 – $12.00 a month, the savings you receive are generally worth the plan’s cost. 

Pros and Cons of a Dental Discount Plan

Pros of Dental Discount Plans:

1. Affordability: Dental discount plans are generally more affordable than traditional dental insurance plans. Enrolling in a discount plan can save you significant money on dental services. For an individual, the monthly cost, on average, runs around $7.00 – $12.00. 

2. No Waiting Periods: Unlike dental insurance, there are usually no waiting periods before you can use the benefits of a dental discount plan. You can start saving money on dental services immediately after enrolling.

3. No Deductibles: Dental discount plans do not have deductibles. You pay the discounted rate for each service you receive without meeting a deductible.

4. No Annual Limits: A dental discount plan has no annual limit on how much you can save. You can use the benefits as often as needed without worrying about reaching a maximum limit.

5. Saving on Pre-Existing Conditions: Dental discount plans still offer savings on pre-existing dental conditions.  

Cons of Dental Discount Plans:

1. Limited Provider Networks: Dental discount plans may have limited provider networks. You may be unable to use the plan at your preferred dentist or dental specialist. In some rural areas, you may only have a dental provider in the plan if you travel many miles away, making it inconvenient to go to the dentist. 

2. Limited Savings: Though most dental discount plans offer savings on all dental care services, some may not. Some plans may only offer discounts on routine check-ups and cleanings, while others may offer discounts on more extensive procedures like fillings and oral surgery. So, reading each plan to know your savings is still essential. 

3. Cost Can Still Be a Factor: Depending on your budget, savings may need to be more significant for dental care to be affordable. 

Factors to Beware of When Buying a Dental Discount Plan:

When comparing dental discount plans, you want to review them carefully and compare some of the following factors: 

1. Hidden Fees: Some dental discount plans may have fees that you need to consider, such as enrollment fees, processing fees, or administrative fees. Read the “fine print” before enrolling in a plan. When buying the plan, these fees typically appear in the plan details or the application section.  

2. Limited Savings: Some dental discount plans may only offer discounts on a limited number of dental services. Make sure to check the plan’s coverage before enrolling.

3. Provider Networks: Make sure your dental discount plan has a provider network that includes your preferred dentist or dental specialist if you want to stay with a particular dental office.

4. Quality of Care: While dental discount plans can save you money, you should research the dentists’ quality of care in the plan’s provider network. Not all dentists are equal or provide the dental services you may need. Therefore, calling the dentist in the plan network and asking essential questions is a good idea before buying a plan. 

5. Cost: The costs of different discount plans do not vary greatly, but cost can still be a factor. Therefore, compare the costs of various dental discount plans to find one that fits your budget.

6. Customer Reviews: Read customer reviews of the dental discount plan to understand how satisfied other customers are with the plan’s benefits and provider network.

Alternative Options for Affordable Dental Care: Beyond Dental Discount Plans

As the Jenny story mentions, dental discount plans may only sometimes provide significant enough savings for more extensive dental care needs. If you are in the same situation, other options are available to help make dental care more affordable.

One option is to seek out community health clinics that offer reduced prices or sliding scales based on income. These clinics provide essential dental services at a lower cost, making it easier for those on a tight budget to access the care they need.

Another option is to negotiate with your dentist for a payment plan. Many dentists are willing to work with their patients to develop a payment plan that fits their budget. A payment plan can spread the cost of more extensive procedures over time, making paying more manageable.

Consider discussing alternative, less expensive treatments with your dentist. Sometimes, more affordable options may still effectively address your dental needs. Your dentist can provide information on different treatment options and their associated costs. Another option to ask your dentist is if you can spread out the dental care services needed. Do what has to be done immediately and defer what can be put off until you can save money to continue with the rest. 

Charitable organizations may be a good option because they offer dental care services for those in need. These organizations provide free or low-cost dental services to those in need. While their services may be limited, they can still help address your most critical dental care needs.

Finally, dental schools are an excellent option for affordable dental care. Students training to become dentists need real-life experience working with patients, and dental schools provide them with that opportunity. Licensed dentists supervise the care so you can be sure you receive quality treatment. Additionally, because students provide the services, the costs are often much lower than what you would pay at a private practice. If you’re looking for affordable dental care, it’s worth looking into dental schools in your area.

In summary, while dental discount plans can be helpful for routine dental care, they may only sometimes provide significant enough savings for more extensive procedures. If you find yourself in this situation, other options are available to help make dental care more affordable. By exploring these alternatives, you can find a solution that fits your budget and enables you to prioritize your oral health.

Affordable Dental Care with Dental HMOs: A Low-Cost Insurance Option for Tight Budgets

Dental HMOs are a tremendous low-cost dental insurance option that you should consider. These plans are generally more affordable than traditional dental insurance, with monthly costs ranging from $8.00 to $20.00 for an individual. Dental HMOs are designed to provide affordable dental care to individuals and families on a tight budget.

One key advantage of dental HMOs is that they often don’t have waiting periods or maximum service limitations. You can get the dental care you need at your plan’s effective date without waiting for a specific timeframe or worrying about exceeding your coverage limits. Additionally, you don’t have to file any claims with a dental HMO, as the covered services are pre-negotiated and laid out for you on a fee schedule. The fee schedule makes budgeting more accessible as you know your out-of-pocket costs before having any dental work started.

Another benefit of dental HMOs is that they typically cover preventative services, such as regular check-ups and cleanings, at little to no cost. Preventive care helps you maintain good oral health without paying a large sum out of pocket. Additionally, dental HMOs offer low-cost rates on more extensive procedures like fillings, root canals, and crowns.

It’s important to note that dental HMOs may restrict which dentists you can see. You’ll need to choose from a list of participating dentists in-network with your plan. However, this can be good, as it can help you find a reputable dentist who provides quality care. 

Dental HMOs are an excellent option for those looking to save money on dental care without sacrificing quality. If you want to learn more about dental HMOs and how they can benefit you, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 310-534-3444. We’re happy to provide you with more information and assist you in finding the right dental insurance plan for your needs and budget.

Dental Discount Plan Vs. Dental HMO Insurance 

Dental HMO insurance and dental discount plans are two different types of dental plans that can help you save money on dental care services.

Dental HMO insurance is a type of dental insurance plan that typically requires choosing a primary dentist from a network of participating providers. You’ll pay a monthly premium for coverage, and your primary dentist will coordinate your dental care. You’ll typically pay a copayment for services, and many preventive services may be covered at no cost to you. However, dental HMO insurance plans may restrict the types of treatments you can receive and may require pre-authorization for some services.

Conversely, dental discount plans are not insurance plans but programs that offer discounted prices on dental services. You’ll pay a monthly or yearly fee to enroll in the program and receive a discount on dental services from participating providers. Dental discount plans may offer discounts on various services, including preventive care, fillings, extractions, and more. 

One of the significant differences between dental discount plans and dental insurance is the availability of higher authority to turn to if you have problems with the plan. With dental insurance, there is usually an insurance company or regulatory authority that you can contact if you have any issues with your coverage or claims. They can help you resolve disputes and ensure you receive the coverage you’re entitled to.

With dental discounts, plans typically do not have the same level of oversight or regulation. As a result, finding a higher authority to turn to can be challenging if you need help with the plan. If you experience issues with the plan, such as disputes over the services you received or the amount you were charged, you may need to rely on the plan provider to resolve the issue.

It’s essential to do your research and choose a reputable dental discount plan provider to minimize the risk of problems arising. Look for reviews and testimonials from other plan members to see if they’ve had positive experiences with the provider. Additionally, read the plan’s terms and conditions carefully to understand what services are covered, what discounts are available, and your responsibilities as a plan member.

Overall, while dental discount plans can be a more affordable option for dental care, carefully weighing the benefits and drawbacks before enrolling is essential. Consider your budget, dental needs, and what level of oversight and support you’re comfortable with when deciding between a dental discount plan and dental insurance.

We hope these tips and insights helped make dental care more affordable and accessible. At, we understand the importance of oral health and are here to assist you with finding the best dental insurance coverage that fits your budget and needs. If you have any questions or want a free dental insurance quote, please get in touch with us at 310-534-3444 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Thank you for considering as your go-to resource for dental insurance and assistance.

Posted by carol | in California Dental Insurance, Dental Insurance California, Individual Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance on Dental Discount Plans.

Most Oral Health Diseases are Preventable.

Apr. 22nd 2024

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope that you will find this information valuable and informative. If you have any questions or concerns about your dental health or insurance coverage, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Our team of experts is here to help you navigate the complexities of dental insurance and provide you with the best information and resources available. You can reach us at 310-534-3444. Thank you for choosing as your go-to resource for all things related to dental health and insurance.

This article will discuss the importance of preventive dental care and how neglecting oral health can lead to severe issues and expenses. We will also provide tips on improving gum health and emphasize the significance of utilizing dental insurance to maintain good oral health and save money. By following these practices and utilizing dental insurance effectively, individuals can ensure a healthy mouth and body while avoiding long-term expenses.

Simple Dental Care Practices That Can Help Prevent Oral Diseases and Reduce Costs

Surprisingly, many children and adults still neglect the simple, practical measures to prevent oral diseases and other dental care issues. Following these practices can reduce oral disease risk and lower dental care costs. Brush your teeth for at least two minutes, at least twice a day, using small circular motions and ensuring you brush all your teeth, including the back ones. Parents should supervise their children as they learn to brush since they tend to focus only on their front teeth.

Using fluoride toothpaste is a cost-effective way to prevent tooth decay. However, parents should keep toothpaste out of young children’s reach and use only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste or less if they are younger. Children should be taught to spit and not swallow fluoride toothpaste. Flossing daily is equally important to maintain good oral health. Brushing alone is insufficient since it does not remove all the food particles and bacteria between your teeth. Flossing takes a few minutes out of your day and is a cost-effective way of maintaining your oral health. It would help if you flossed your children’s teeth until they can learn how to floss correctly.

Dental sealants are a safe and effective way to prevent child cavities. They are plastic coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, where decay is most likely. Dentists can put on dental sealants to help protect your child’s teeth, and many dental insurance plans offer coverage for dental sealants for children. However, only about one-third of children aged 6 – 19 have sealants, and cost can be a barrier. Having dental insurance is critical in such cases.

It’s advisable to visit a dentist at least twice yearly for oral checkups and more frequently when your dentist advises. Checkups, X-rays, and basic cleanings typically fall under preventive dental services. Regular preventive dental care is essential since it helps detect dental problems early on. Most dental insurance plans offer preventive dental care at low or no cost.

Taking care of your teeth from childhood to adulthood can help prevent many oral health issues. These are simple ways to maintain healthy teeth and gums cheaply. However, neglecting your oral health can lead to multiple problems and expenses in the long term.

The Importance of Preventive Dental Care: Neglecting Oral Health Can Lead to Serious Issues and Expenses

Neglecting your oral health can lead to multiple problems and expenses in the long term. Individuals can risk developing various oral health issues without good preventive dental care. Here are some common oral problems that people without good preventive dental care could have:

Tooth Decay: Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for a healthy mouth and overall well-being. However, when oral hygiene practices are poor, bacteria can accumulate on teeth and gums, leading to tooth decay and cavities. If left untreated, these issues can cause discomfort, pain, and even infection. Over time, tooth decay can also lead to tooth loss, further impacting one’s oral health and self-esteem.

Dental Cavities: Dental cavities are generally fixed by removing the decayed portion of the tooth and filling the space with a dental filling material. The dentist will numb the area with a local anesthetic and then remove the decayed portion of the tooth using a drill or laser. After removing the decayed portion, the dentist will thoroughly clean the area and fill the space with dental filling material, such as composite resin or amalgam. The dentist shapes and polishes the filling material to match the shape and contour of the tooth. Sometimes, if the cavity is large or the tooth is severely damaged, the dentist may recommend a crown or other restorative treatment to restore the tooth’s function and appearance. It’s important to note that practicing good oral hygiene is the best way to prevent cavities.

Gum Disease: Gum or periodontal disease commonly affects the gums and bones supporting teeth. Gum disease is caused by the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth that can lead to inflammation and infection of the gums. Gingivitis, characterized by red, swollen, and bleeding gums, is the early stage of gum disease. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease that can cause tooth loss and damage the surrounding bone and gum tissue. 

Preventing/Improving Gum Disease: Experts recommend practicing good oral hygiene to improve gum disease. Good oral hygiene includes brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes, flossing once daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash. In addition, it’s important to schedule regular dental cleanings and checkups with a dentist to detect and treat gum disease early on. Quitting smoking and reducing stress levels can also help improve gum health. If you have gum disease, your dentist may recommend more intensive treatment such as scaling and root planing, antibiotics, or surgery in severe cases. You can reduce your risk of tooth loss and other health complications by improving gum disease.

Bad Breath: Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a common oral health issue that can cause discomfort and embarrassment. It is often caused by poor oral hygiene, which can lead to bacteria buildup in the mouth. When bacteria in the mouth break down food particles, they release sulfurous compounds that can cause bad breath.

If you don’t brush and floss regularly, food particles can remain in your mouth, promoting the growth of bacteria between your teeth, around your gums, and on your tongue. These bacteria can produce foul-smelling compounds that can cause bad breath. If you have gum disease or tooth decay, these conditions can also contribute to bad breath.

Bad breath can also be caused by medical conditions such as diabetes, sinus infections, or gastrointestinal disorders. However, in most cases, it can be prevented or treated with good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using mouthwash.

Oral Cancer: Without regular oral checkups, individuals may miss out on the opportunity to receive early detection and treatment for oral cancer, which can be life-threatening. Oral cancer is a severe condition that can affect any part of the mouth, including the tongue, lips, gums, and roof or floor of the mouth. Regular oral checkups are essential in detecting oral cancer early on, as it can be challenging to detect in its early stages without a professional examination. 

During an oral checkup, a dentist examines the mouth, tongue, and throat for signs of oral cancer. They may also perform additional tests, such as a biopsy or imaging, to confirm or rule out a diagnosis. If oral cancer is detected early, the chances of successful treatment and recovery are much higher. 

Individuals who neglect to undergo regular oral checkups are at a higher risk of developing oral cancer without realizing it. This can result in a more advanced stage of cancer, making it harder to treat and increasing the risk of life-threatening complications. 

It’s important to note that many of the early signs and symptoms of oral cancer can be easily overlooked or mistaken for other conditions. Some signs to watch out for include:

  • Persistent mouth sores
  • Swelling or lumps in the mouth.
  • Difficulty swallowing or speaking.
  • Unexplained weight loss.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is crucial to schedule an appointment with your dentist or healthcare provider as soon as possible. 

In summary, regular oral checkups are essential for the early detection and treatment of oral cancer. By undergoing these checkups, individuals can reduce their risk of developing life-threatening complications and ensure a healthy mouth and body.

Tips on Improving Your Gum Health

Aside from quitting smoking and reducing stress levels, there are some other ways people can improve their gum health, such as:

1. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet: Nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help boost your immune system and reduce inflammation in your mouth.

2. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush: Aggressive brushing can damage your gums and cause them to recede, so it’s essential to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean your teeth gently.

3. Using fluoride toothpaste: Fluoride toothpaste can help prevent tooth decay and strengthen tooth enamel.

4. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily: Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing can help remove plaque and food particles that can cause gum disease.

5. Using an Antiseptic Mouthwash: An antiseptic mouthwash can help kill bacteria in your mouth and prevent gum disease.

6. Drinking Plenty of Water: Drinking water helps wash away food particles and bacteria in your mouth and keeps your gums healthy.

7. Regular dental cleanings and checkups: Regular dental cleanings and checkups can help detect and treat gum disease early on and prevent it from progressing to a more severe form.

Adopting these healthy habits can improve gum health and reduce the risk of developing gum disease.

The Importance of Utilizing Dental Insurance to Maintain Good Oral Health and Save Money

It is essential to understand that having dental insurance does not guarantee good dental health. However, utilizing dental insurance to its full potential can contribute significantly to maintaining good oral health while helping you save money on dental care costs.

Dental insurance can be beneficial in covering the costs of preventive dental care, including regular checkups, cleanings, and X-rays. These services are essential in detecting and preventing dental issues early on, which can help avoid more severe problems and expensive procedures in the future. By visiting a dentist regularly, dental insurance can help you maintain good oral health and prevent the accumulation of bacteria, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Moreover, dental insurance can cover the cost of restorative dental procedures such as fillings, root canals, and crowns, which can be expensive without insurance coverage. Dental insurance can also include coverage for more complex procedures, such as orthodontic treatment or oral surgery, which can be prohibitively expensive without insurance.

However, it’s crucial to note that dental insurance coverage can vary widely between plans, and some treatments may require prior authorization or have limitations or exclusions. It’s essential to understand the specifics of your dental insurance plan and communicate with your dentist to ensure you receive the best care possible while utilizing your insurance benefits.

In summary, having dental insurance can be a valuable asset in maintaining good dental health and reducing dental care costs. However, it’s crucial to use dental insurance effectively by visiting a dentist regularly, understanding your coverage, and communicating with your dental provider to ensure you receive the best care possible.

The Importance of Preventive Dental Care and the Role of Dental Insurance

Preventive dental care services are essential to maintaining good oral health and preventing more significant, costly dental needs. Regular preventive dental care services, such as oral checkups, cleanings, and X-rays, can help identify and treat dental problems early on before they become more severe and require expensive treatments.

A dentist can treat a tooth cavity detected during a routine dental checkup with a simple filling. However, if left untreated, it can grow and spread to the tooth’s pulp, causing severe pain and requiring a root canal treatment or even tooth extraction. These treatments can be significantly more expensive and time-consuming than a simple filling.

Dental insurance can make preventive dental care services affordable. Most insurance plans cover preventive dental care services, such as oral checkups, cleanings, and X-rays, at low or no cost to the patient. Patients can receive regular preventive dental care services without worrying about their associated costs.

Moreover, dental insurance can also help cover the costs of other dental treatments, such as fillings, root canals, and crowns. By having dental insurance, individuals can have peace of mind knowing that they are covered in case of unexpected dental issues.

In conclusion, preventive dental care services are essential to maintaining good oral health and preventing more significant, more costly dental needs. Dental insurance can make preventive dental care cost little to no and cover the costs of other dental treatments. By utilizing dental insurance effectively and following good oral hygiene practices, individuals can ensure a healthy mouth and body while avoiding long-term expenses.

Dental Insurance Plans in California – Find the Best Options for You and Your Family with offers several dental insurance plan types to meet our client’s dental care needs. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the best dental insurance options that work for you, your family, and your budget. We understand dental care can be expensive, so we offer affordable dental insurance plans to help you save money. You can count on us to provide California’s best dental insurance options. Our website,, is your go-to source for all dental insurance plans. You can also call us at 310-534-3444 during our business hours, 8 am to 4 pm, from Monday to Friday. Let us help you find the right dental insurance plan for you and your family.

Posted by carol | in California Dental Insurance, Dental Insurance California, Individual Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Most Oral Health Diseases are Preventable.

Understanding Tooth Extraction: Types, Costs, and Insurance Considerations in California

Apr. 15th 2024

Question: I live in California, and one of my back teeth is starting to hurt. How much is a tooth extraction in California, and would having dental insurance save me money? I have not yet been to the dentist because the cost is a significant factor, but the pain is also starting to be an issue. 

Reply: Tooth extractions are common dental procedures performed for various reasons, including decay, infection, and overcrowding. The cost of tooth extraction in California can vary depending on several factors, such as the dentist’s location, the complexity of the procedure, and the type of anesthesia used.

Simple tooth extractions are generally less expensive than surgical extractions. A simple tooth extraction can range between $100 and $200, while a surgical extraction can cost between $225 and $1000 or more per tooth. The complexity of the procedure, such as the position of the tooth and the level of impaction, can also affect the cost of the extraction.

Understanding the Cost of Tooth Extraction: Types of Extractions and Their Impact on the Procedure Cost

Although “What is the cost of a tooth extraction?” may seem simple, the answer is more complex than you might think. There are various types of tooth extractions, and each can significantly impact the cost of the procedure. We will break down some of the types of extractions: 

1) Extraction, Erupted Tooth, or Exposed Root: Dentists perform the extraction, erupted tooth, or exposed root as a dental procedure that involves removing a tooth from its socket in the jaw bone. The procedure may become necessary when a tooth is decayed or damaged beyond repair or when it is causing problems such as infection or pain. An erupted tooth is a tooth that has broken through the gum tissue, while an exposed root occurs when the gum tissue recedes, leaving the root of the Tooth exposed. Either case may require the extraction to alleviate symptoms and prevent further damage or infection.

2) Surgical Removal of Erupted Tooth: Surgical removal of an erupted tooth involves the removal of a tooth that has fully grown out of the gum tissue. This procedure is typically necessary when the Tooth is causing problems such as severe decay, infection, or crowding. During the procedure, the dentist or oral surgeon will numb the area around the Tooth with local anesthesia. Then, using specialized tools, they will carefully loosen the Tooth from its socket and remove it. The dentist or oral surgeon cleans the area and sutures it shut to promote healing. Surgical removal of an erupted tooth is generally more complex and expensive than a simple extraction.

3) Removal of Impacted Tooth—Soft Tissue: This surgical extraction involves surgically removing an impacted tooth covered by soft tissue. In this procedure, the Tooth is not fully erupted and is covered by gum tissue, making it difficult to extract.

The dentist or oral surgeon will incise the gum tissue to access the tooth during the procedure. Then, they will lift the tissue and carefully remove the tooth from its position. Finally, dental professionals will suture the gum tissue after extracting the tooth.

The removal of an impacted tooth covered by soft tissue is a more complex procedure than a simple extraction. It requires more skill and experience, and as a result, it can be more expensive.  

4) Removal of Impacted Tooth – Partially Bony: Removing an impacted tooth partially covered by bone is a more complex surgical extraction. In this procedure, the Tooth is partially erupted and partially covered by gum tissue and bone, making it difficult to extract.

During the procedure, the dentist or oral surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue to access the Tooth. The bone covering the Tooth is then carefully removed to expose the Tooth. Once the Tooth is visible, the dentist or oral surgeon will use specialized tools to loosen it from its socket and extract it. The medical staff cleans the area and sutures it shut to promote healing.

Removing an impacted tooth partially bony is a more complex and time-consuming procedure than a simple extraction or the removal of an impacted tooth covered by soft tissue. As a result, it can be more expensive than other types of extractions.

5) Removal of Impacted Tooth—Completely Bony: The most complex type of surgical extraction is removing an impacted tooth completely covered by bone. In this procedure, the tooth is entirely covered by gum tissue and bone, making it difficult to extract.

During the procedure, the dentist or oral surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue to access the Tooth. The bone covering the Tooth is then carefully removed to expose the Tooth. Once the Tooth is visible, the dentist or oral surgeon will use specialized tools to loosen it from its socket and extract it. The medical staff cleans the area and sutures it shut to promote healing.

The removal of an impacted tooth that is completely covered by bone is the most complex and time-consuming procedure. It requires a high level of skill and experience, and as a result, it is the most expensive type of tooth extraction.

It is crucial to note that the cost of a tooth extraction can vary significantly based on the required extraction type. As we mentioned, there are several types of extractions, such as simple extraction, surgical extraction, extraction of an impacted tooth, and so on. It is highly recommended that you consult with your dentist to determine the type of extraction you require and its cost. By doing so, you can have a better understanding of the expenses involved and can plan accordingly. Moreover, it will help you avoid unexpected costs or surprises during or after the extraction procedure.

Factors that Impact Tooth Extraction Cost: Dentist’s Location and Years of Experience

The dentist’s location and years of experience can also impact the cost of tooth extraction. Dentists in urban areas tend to charge more than those in rural areas. Similarly, a dentist with many years of experience may charge more for their services than a less experienced dentist.

For example, let’s say you live in California and need a tooth extraction. You go to a dentist who has been in practice for 20 years and specializes in oral surgery. They are located in a busy city and have a reputation as one of the best oral surgeons in the area. They may charge more for their services than a dentist who has only been in practice for a few years and is located in a rural area.

On the other hand, you may find a dentist in a busy city who offers lower prices for their services because they have fewer years of experience and less training and qualifications.

It’s not uncommon to notice that dental services in urban areas tend to cost more than those in rural areas. The higher cost of living in urban areas leads to higher overhead charges for dental clinics. These overhead costs include rent, utilities, and salaries for dental staff. As a result, dentists in urban areas may charge more for their services to cover these higher expenses.

However, it’s important to note that this is only sometimes the case. In some instances, if there are few dentists in a rural area, they may charge more due to the lack of competition. In such cases, patients may have to travel long distances to receive dental care, which ultimately increases the cost of the service.

In summary, the cost of dental care can be affected by many factors, including the location of the dental clinic, the level of competition in the area, and the type of treatment needed. It’s always a good idea to shop for dental services and compare prices before committing to a specific dentist or clinic. Researching and finding a dentist with the necessary experience and qualifications to perform the procedure is essential. While cost is a significant factor, it should not be the only factor you consider when choosing a dentist. You should also consider the quality of care and satisfaction.

Having Dental Insurance Can Help With the Cost of a Tooth Extraction

Having dental insurance can reduce the cost of a tooth extraction. Most dental insurance plans cover a portion of the cost of tooth extractions, although the amount of coverage can vary depending on the type of plan. Some dental insurance plans may require a co-pay or deductible, while others may cover the entire procedure cost.

It’s always a good idea to check with your dental insurance provider to see your coverage options before scheduling a tooth extraction. Your dental insurance provider can provide you with an estimate of how much of the cost of the extraction will be covered by your plan. 

Learn about dental insurance options available for tooth extractions and associated benefits.

Each type of dental insurance plan will have different pros and cons regarding teeth extractions. For example, some plans may cover a higher percentage of the total cost of the extraction, while others may limit the number of extractions covered per year. It is essential to carefully review the details of your dental insurance plan to determine how much it will cover for a tooth extraction and any limitations or restrictions that may apply. We will discuss some pros and cons for each dental insurance plan type. 

Dental HMO Insurance Plans Pros and Cons with Regards to Teeth Extraction

HMO dental insurance plans usually offer a limited network of dentists to choose from, especially in more rural areas, which can be a disadvantage for some people. However, one of the main advantages of HMO dental insurance plans is that they typically have lower out-of-pocket costs than other dental insurance plans. Also, most dental HMO insurance plans do not have any waiting periods for dental care services such as extractions.  

HMO dental insurance plans usually cover tooth extractions as a primary procedure. However, it is essential to note that some HMO plans may limit the number of extractions covered, such as at most five in a given year, or may require a pre-authorization before the procedure can be performed. You may also need a referral to see a specialist if the extraction is beyond the scope of the general dentist you picked within the plan. HMO plans may not cover all extraction types compared to PPOs.

Overall, if you are considering HMO dental insurance for teeth extractions, it is essential to carefully review the plan’s coverage and limitations to ensure that it meets your specific needs. Additionally, discussing your options with your dentist and insurance provider before making a final decision is always a good idea.

Dental PPO Insurance Plans Pros and Cons with Regards to Teeth Extraction

A PPO, or preferred provider organization, is a type of dental insurance plan that allows you to choose from a network of dentists who have agreed to provide services at a discounted rate. When it comes to tooth extraction, having a PPO has pros and cons.


1. Cost savings: One of the main benefits of having a PPO is that you can save money on tooth extraction costs. Dentists in your PPO network have agreed to provide services at a UCR rate, which can lower your out-of-pocket expenses.

2. Flexibility: Another advantage of PPOs is that you can choose any dentist within the network. You can see a specialist or a general dentist for your tooth extraction depending on your specific needs.

3. No referral needed: In most cases, you do not need a referral from your primary care dentist to see a specialist for tooth extraction. Not having to have a referral can save you time and hassle.


1. Out-of-network costs: If you choose to see a dentist outside of your PPO network, you may be responsible for a significant portion of your tooth extraction cost. It is essential to verify the coverage for out-of-network dentists and beware that out-of-network providers have a higher risk of UCR fees and can add up quickly, especially for more complex procedures.

2. Annual limits: Many PPO plans have annual limits on the dental services they cover. If you exceed your annual limit, you may be responsible for the remainder of your tooth extraction costs.

3. Deductibles and co-pays: Most PPO plans require a deductible and a co-pay for dental services, including tooth extractions. These costs can add up, especially if you need more than one tooth extracted.

4. Waiting Periods: Waiting periods can be an issue if you are new to the plan, as many PPO plans have a year or more waiting periods before they cover major dental services such as tooth extractions.

Overall, a PPO can be a good option for saving money on tooth extraction costs and providing flexibility in choosing a dentist. However, weighing the potential cons, such as out-of-network costs, waiting periods, and annual limits, is essential. Be sure to review your PPO plan carefully and choose a dentist who can provide the care you need at a price you can afford.

Find the Best Dental Insurance Plans at – Call Us Today!

If you are interested in purchasing dental insurance or have questions about different plan types, please don’t hesitate to call our office at 310-534-3444. At, we understand that dental care can be costly, so we offer a wide range of dental insurance plans to help you with your dental care needs.

Our team of experts is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to help you navigate the options and find the best plan for you. Whether you’re looking for an individual or a family plan, we have various options, including PPO, HMO, and discount plans.

With our dental insurance plans, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your dental care needs are covered. From routine cleanings to more complex procedures, our plans can help you save money on dental care while ensuring you receive the quality care you need.

So, if you want to purchase dental insurance or have questions about different plan types, call us at 310-534-3444 today. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is here to help you every step of the way.

Posted by carol | in California Dental Insurance, Dental Insurance California, Individual Dental Insurance, Supplemental Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Understanding Tooth Extraction: Types, Costs, and Insurance Considerations in California

Managing Dental Health with GERD: Tips for Acid Reflux Patients

Apr. 8th 2024

If you have Gastroesophageal reflux disease, taking care of your dental health is essential. Acid reflux is a common condition in which stomach acid refluxes up, causing potential problems for your esophagus, oral health, and teeth if left untreated. Enamel erosion is a common dental issue caused by acid reflux, leading to tooth decay and other dental problems. Bad breath is also a common issue associated with acid reflux.

Speaking to your medical doctor and dentist when dealing with acid reflux disease is essential to maintaining good dental health. Inform your dentist about your acid reflux so they can check more carefully for signs of enamel erosion and wear on fillings. If you have constant acid reflux issues, you should see a dentist twice yearly to stay on top of your oral health care.

Stomach acid can quickly damage teeth, so managing your acid reflux and maintaining good dental health is crucial. After experiencing acid reflux, it’s important not to brush your teeth right away but rather rinse your mouth with baking soda. Baking soda can help neutralize the effects of stomach acid in your mouth. Additionally, keeping a record of foods that make you more sensitive to acid reflux and limiting their intake can help you manage your condition.

Food and Acid Reflux

Some foods can cause acid reflux by relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a muscle that acts as a barrier between the stomach and the esophagus. When the LES relaxes, stomach acid can flow back into the esophagus, causing irritation and inflammation. Certain foods and drinks can affect the LES differently, causing it to relax and leading to acid reflux. For example, spicy and fatty foods can increase acid production in the stomach, which can cause the LES to relax. Similarly, acidic foods like citrus fruits and tomatoes can irritate the esophagus and cause the LES to relax. It’s essential to identify which foods trigger your acid reflux symptoms so that you can avoid them and manage your condition effectively.

Some foods that can cause acid reflux include:

  • Spicy or fatty foods
  • Citrus fruits
  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated beverages

However, it’s important to remember that each person’s triggers can be different, so it’s essential to note the foods that exacerbate your condition. By keeping a food journal, you can identify which foods or drinks worsen your acid reflux symptoms and avoid them in the future to manage your condition effectively.

Acid Reflux Food Journal 

To make and keep a food journal for acid reflux, you can start by writing down everything you eat and drink throughout the day, along with the time and any symptoms you experience. You can also include any triggers that you suspect might be causing your acid reflux symptoms. It’s essential to be as detailed as possible to help you identify which foods or drinks affect your acid reflux.

You can also use smartphone apps or websites to track your food intake and symptoms. These apps often have a database of foods and drinks and their potential to cause acid reflux symptoms, making it easier to identify triggers.

Keeping a food journal can help manage your acid reflux. It allows you to identify and avoid trigger foods and drinks. You can also see patterns and understand how your diet affects your acid reflux by tracking your symptoms. With this information, you can make informed decisions about what to eat and drink and make lifestyle changes to manage your acid reflux effectively.

The Importance of Dental Insurance for GERD Patients: Protecting Your Dental Health and Saving Money

Taking care of your dental health is essential, especially if you have Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Acid reflux can cause enamel erosion, leading to tooth decay and other dental problems. It’s essential to see a dentist regularly to maintain good dental health. However, dental care can be expensive, and if you have GERD, you may require more frequent dental check-ups and treatments.

In this case, having dental insurance can be beneficial in covering some of the costs associated with dental care. Dental insurance can make dental care more affordable, allowing you to receive the necessary treatments without worrying about the price.

Moreover, dental insurance can provide access to preventive care services, such as cleanings and check-ups, to help prevent dental issues from developing or worsening. With dental insurance, you can take proactive measures to protect your dental health and avoid costly treatments in the future.

It’s important to note that dental insurance plans vary in coverage and cost. Some plans may cover only basic services, while others may cover more comprehensive treatments. Additionally, some plans may have waiting periods or restrictions on pre-existing conditions, so it’s essential to research and compare plans to find one that meets your needs.

Overall, having dental insurance can be a helpful tool in maintaining good dental health, especially if you have GERD. Access to affordable dental care means you can take proactive measures to protect your teeth and gums, prevent dental issues from developing or worsening, and improve your overall health and well-being.

If you do not currently have dental insurance and are interested in purchasing a plan, can provide the information and assistance you need. Our team is available Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM. Call us at 310-534-3444 to help select a dental insurance plan that meets your needs and budget.

Purchasing dental insurance can be a wise investment, especially if you have GERD or other health conditions that increase your risk of dental problems. With dental insurance, the cost of routine check-ups, cleanings, and other dental treatments can quickly add up, making it easier to maintain good dental health. However, dental insurance allows you to access affordable dental care and protect your teeth and oral health without breaking the bank.

At, we offer a wide range of dental insurance plans to meet the needs of individuals and families. We can help you compare plans and select one that fits your budget and coverage needs. Our team can also help you understand the details of each plan, including deductibles, co-pays, and coverage limits so that you can make an informed decision about your dental insurance.

In addition to helping you select a plan, we can provide information about using your dental insurance. We can help you find a dentist in your area who accepts your insurance, understands how to file a claim, and answers any questions you may have about your coverage.

Overall, if you are interested in purchasing dental insurance or have questions about dental insurance, is here to help. Our team of experts is available to assist you with your dental insurance needs and ensure that you have access to affordable, high-quality dental care. So, call us today at 310-534-3444 to learn more about our dental insurance plans and services.

Dental Problems That Can Happen With Acid Reflux 

We briefly touched on some of the dental issues that can happen with acid reflux, so let’s discuss them in more detail. Acid reflux can cause the following dental problems:

Enamel Erosion: Acid reflux is a common digestive disorder when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation and discomfort. Unfortunately, this condition can also negatively impact dental health. The acid from the stomach can erode the enamel on your teeth, which is the hard outer layer that protects them. Over time, this erosion can lead to tooth decay, sensitivity, and discoloration.

Moreover, if you have fillings, the acid can erode them, causing them to loosen or fall out. Enamel erosion weakens the tooth’s structure and leads to dental issues requiring additional treatment. It is essential to address these issues promptly to avoid further damage to your teeth and gums.

Lousy Breath: Acid reflux is a common medical condition that can cause unpleasant symptoms, including lousy breath. When acid from the stomach flows back up into the esophagus and mouth, it can create an environment ripe for bacterial growth. Acid reflux can lead to excess bacteria forming in the mouth, which can cause a foul smell. Additionally, the acid can weaken the tissue in the mouth, making it more susceptible to bacterial growth. Bacteria can further exacerbate the problem, leading to even worse breath. Suppose you are experiencing lousy breath and suspect it may be due to acid reflux. In that case, seeking medical attention to address the underlying condition and alleviate your symptoms is essential.

Gum disease: Acid reflux can cause the gums to become inflamed and swollen, leading to bleeding and infection. If left untreated, gum disease can also cause the teeth to become loose and fall out.

Mouth Sores: Acid reflux can be a distressing condition that can cause unpleasant symptoms, including mouth sores. The stomach acid that backs up into the esophagus can irritate the delicate tissues in the mouth, leading to ulcers or blisters. These sores can be painful, making eating, drinking, or speaking difficult. The discomfort can be particularly acute when consuming acidic or spicy foods and beverages. If left untreated, the mouth sores can worsen, leading to complications such as infections. Therefore, it is essential to seek medical attention if you experience persistent mouth sores along with other symptoms of acid reflux, such as heartburn, chest pain, or difficulty swallowing. Your healthcare provider can recommend appropriate treatments to relieve your symptoms and prevent further complications.

Consult your dentist and medical doctor for signs of enamel erosion, gum disease, and other dental issues caused by acid reflux. Managing your acid reflux and maintaining good dental health can prevent these dental problems from occurring or worsening.

Home Remedies to Manage Acid Reflux Symptoms?

Some home remedies may help you manage acid reflux symptoms. Here are a few things you can try:

1. Elevate the head of your bed: Elevating the head of your bed is a simple yet effective way to alleviate symptoms of acid reflux. Raising the head of your bed by 6 to 8 inches reduces the likelihood of stomach acid flowing back into your esophagus, which can cause discomfort and other unpleasant symptoms. Gravity helps keep the acid down in your stomach when you sleep. Elevating the head of your bed can also help with other conditions, such as snoring and sleep apnea, by keeping your airways open. So, if you’re experiencing acid reflux, snoring, or sleep apnea, consider elevating the head of your bed for a more comfortable and restful night’s sleep.

2. Wear Loose-Fitting Clothing: Wearing loose-fitting clothing is highly recommended for individuals who suffer from acid reflux symptoms. Tight-fitting clothes can put pressure on your stomach, leading to discomfort and aggravation of the symptoms. On the other hand, loose-fitting garments allow your stomach to expand and reduce the pressure on it, which can help alleviate the symptoms. Consider wearing clothes made from light and breathable fabric like cotton or linen that don’t cling to your body too tightly. In addition to the clothing, it’s also advisable to avoid wearing tight belts and high-waisted pants as they can put pressure on the stomach and worsen the symptoms. Small changes in your wardrobe can effectively manage your acid reflux symptoms and improve comfort.

3. Avoid trigger foods: Avoiding trigger foods is essential to prevent acid reflux symptoms. Certain foods can trigger the production of stomach acid and cause acid reflux. Therefore, keeping a food journal to identify and avoid the foods that trigger your symptoms is crucial. You can also consult a nutritionist to create a personalized diet plan for your health. Making small changes in your diet and avoiding trigger foods can reduce your chances of experiencing acid reflux symptoms and improve your overall digestive health. So, start controlling your diet and embracing a healthy lifestyle today!

4. Drink plenty of water: Drinking plenty of water is one of the simplest and most effective ways to manage acid reflux symptoms. Drinking water helps neutralize stomach acid, which can cause heartburn and other discomfort. In addition, drinking water can help dilute the acid in your stomach and prevent it from flowing back into your esophagus. Drinking water can help to reduce the frequency and severity of acid reflux symptoms, such as chest pain, difficulty swallowing, and a sour taste in your mouth. So, drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your digestive system healthy and reduce your risk of acid reflux.

5. Chew gum: Chewing gum is a simple and effective way to alleviate heartburn or acid reflux symptoms. Chewing gum stimulates the salivary glands, which produce more saliva in the mouth. Saliva serves as a natural antacid that helps neutralize the acid in the stomach. Chewing gum can provide quick and temporary relief for individuals experiencing heartburn or acid reflux. In addition to its acid-neutralizing properties, chewing gum can promote digestion by increasing the production of digestive enzymes in the saliva. It’s important to note that while chewing gum can provide temporary relief, it is not a substitute for medical treatment or lifestyle changes for those who suffer from chronic heartburn or acid reflux.

6. Avoid lying down after eating:  When lying down after a meal, the stomach acid can flow back into the esophagus, causing heartburn and acid reflux. Lying down after a meal can be especially harmful for individuals who suffer from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Additionally, lying down immediately after eating can slow the digestive process, leading to discomfort and bloating.

To avoid these issues, you should wait at least three hours after eating before lying down or going to bed. Waiting at least three hours allows the stomach to empty and the digestive process to complete. If you do need to lie down after a meal, it is recommended that you prop up your upper body with a pillow to keep the stomach acid from flowing back into the esophagus. Incorporating this simple habit into your routine can help alleviate discomfort and promote better digestion, leading to a healthier lifestyle.

It’s important to note that these home remedies may not work for everyone and should not replace medical treatment. You should consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment if you have persistent acid reflux symptoms.

Protect Your Dental Health: Managing GERD and Dental Care with Dental Insurance from

In conclusion, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can significantly impact your dental health, leading to enamel erosion, tooth decay, and other dental problems. You can protect your teeth and oral health by managing your acid reflux and maintaining good dental hygiene. Also, having dental insurance can be a valuable asset in covering dental care costs, particularly if you have GERD and require more frequent check-ups and treatments. At, we offer a range of dental insurance plans to meet your needs and budget. Contact us at 310-534-4444 during our business hours from 8-4 M- F to learn more about our dental insurance plans and how we can help you protect your dental health.

Posted by carol | in California Dental Insurance, Dental Insurance California, Dental Plan California, Individual Dental Insurance, Supplemental Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Managing Dental Health with GERD: Tips for Acid Reflux Patients

A Guide to Dental Insurance Plans: Understanding Costs, Benefits, and Choosing the Right Plan for Your Oral Health Care Needs

Apr. 1st 2024

Question:  I am 24, and when I was younger, I did not receive good oral health care since my parents could not afford me to see the dentist too often. I am out on my own and working full time, but I still do not receive dental benefits through my job. The dentists I have called locally say they take Dental Dental, so getting a dental insurance plan is a good option. Dental Dental of California is affordable, but does it offer good benefits for my oral health care needs?

Reply:  As a young adult, oral health care is as essential as overall health. It’s unfortunate that in your childhood, you did not receive adequate oral health care due to financial constraints. It’s commendable that you are now working full-time to care for yourself. However, it’s concerning that you still need to receive dental benefits through your job. It’s crucial to have a dental insurance plan to ensure you receive the necessary oral health care services that you need.

It’s great that the dentists you have called locally accept Dental Dental, an affordable dental insurance option. But you may still wonder if it offers good benefits that meet your oral health care needs. Dental Dental of California provides various benefits catering to oral health care needs. These benefits include preventive services like routine cleanings and checkups, basic services like fillings and extractions, and major dental services like crowns and root canals.

With Dental Dental of California, you can also receive orthodontic services like braces and other treatments designed to help improve your dental health. Additionally, you can select from various dental plans designed to fit your budget while providing the benefits needed to maintain good oral health.

In conclusion, Dental Dental of California offers affordable dental insurance plans that provide comprehensive benefits for oral health care needs. So, don’t hesitate to invest in a dental insurance plan to help you maintain your oral health and overall well-being.

Choosing the Right Dental Insurance Plan for Your Oral Health Care Needs: A Guide to Delta Dental’s HMO and PPO Plans in California

A dental insurance plan that caters to your dental needs is essential to ensuring optimal oral health care. In California, Delta Dental offers a range of plan types, so the first step is to determine which plan type best suits your budget and dental care needs. Delta Dental provides two primary plan types: a low-cost HMO option and a PPO plan that allows you to select or keep your current dentist.

Suppose you’re on a budget and looking for a more affordable option. Delta Dental’s HMO plan may be the right choice for you. With this plan type, you’ll have access to a network of dentists who accept HMO insurance, and you’ll typically pay lower out-of-pocket costs for services. However, remember that you’ll need to choose a primary care dentist to coordinate your dental care and refer you to specialists if necessary.

On the other hand, if you prefer to keep your current dentist or have more flexibility in choosing a provider, Delta Dental’s PPO plan may be a better fit. With this plan type, you’ll have access to a more extensive network of dentists, including those who do not accept HMO insurance. You’ll also be able to see out-of-network providers, although your out-of-pocket costs may be higher.

When choosing a plan, consider factors such as your budget, dental care needs, and preferred providers. Delta Dental offers various resources to help you make an informed decision, such as online tools to compare plans and find a dentist.

Delta Dental offers multiple plan types to cater to oral health care needs. Whether you choose an HMO or PPO plan, you’ll have access to a network of qualified dentists and services that promote good oral health. So, take the time to explore your options and choose a plan that best fits your needs and budget.

Understanding Delta Dental Insurance Plans and Costs

The costs of Delta dental insurance plans depend on various factors, including the type of plan you choose, the services covered, and your location. Typically, the costs associated with Dental Dental of California plans include monthly premiums, deductibles, copayments, and Coinsurance. The following will break down each cost factor. 

  • Monthly HMO premiums: Monthly premiums are the amount you pay monthly to maintain dental insurance coverage. The cost of monthly premiums for dental insurance plans can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the type of plan, your location, and the level of coverage you select. In general, for an individual, the monthly cost of Delta Dental plans can be as low as $8.00 per month for their HMO plan. However, it’s important to note that with HMO plans, you are typically required to pay the annual rate upfront rather than a monthly premium.
  • Monthly PPO premiums: Regarding Delta Dental’s PPO plans, the monthly cost for an individual can range from $45 to $95. However, the amount you’ll pay each month will depend on various factors, including your location, age, and the level of coverage you select. For instance, if you live in a zip code with a higher cost of living, your monthly premium for a PPO plan may be higher than someone living in a less expensive zip code area. Despite the potential higher price, a Delta Dental PPO plan can provide you with greater flexibility and access to a more extensive network of dentists. With a PPO plan, you’ll have the option to choose from both in-network and out-of-network providers. You can continue seeing your current dentist even if they are not a provider of Delta Dental insurance.

Cost association with Deductible 

Deductibles are the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage starts. Regarding dental insurance, deductibles refer to the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. With Delta Dental insurance plans, deductibles generally range from $25 to $150, depending on your chosen plan. However, it’s important to note that the deductible amount can vary depending on the specific plan options available to you.

Reading each plan option is crucial to verifying the deductible amount and understanding how it will affect out-of-pocket costs. For example, if you choose a plan with a lower deductible, you may pay a higher monthly premium but lower out-of-pocket costs when you receive dental services.

On the other hand, if you choose a plan with a higher deductible, you may pay a lower monthly premium, but you’ll need to pay more out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. It’s essential to consider your budget and dental care needs when selecting a plan option that works best for you.

In summary, Delta Dental insurance plans have deductibles ranging from $25 to $150, depending on your chosen plan. Review each plan option carefully to verify the deductible amount and determine which option works best for your budget and dental care needs.

Cost association with Copayments/Coinsurance

Copayments and Coinsurance are two different methods of sharing the cost of dental services between the insured and the insurance provider in a dental insurance plan.

A Copayment is a fixed amount you pay out of pocket for a dental service covered by your insurance plan. For example, if your plan includes a $50 copayment for a dental cleaning, you will pay $50 for the service, and the insurance company will cover the rest.

Coinsurance is a percentage of the total cost of a dental service that you are responsible for paying. For example, if your plan includes a 20% coinsurance for a filling, and the total cost is $200, you will be responsible for paying $40 (20% of $200), and the insurance company will cover the remaining $160.

In general, copayments are more common in dental insurance plans than Coinsurance. Copayments are easier to understand and calculate, providing more financial certainty for the insured. Coinsurance, on the other hand, can be more unpredictable, as the amount you will be responsible for paying depends on the service’s total cost.

It’s important to note that dental insurance plans can vary significantly in terms of copayments and Coinsurance. Some plans may have high copayments and low Coinsurance, while others may have low and high Coinsurance. When choosing a dental insurance plan, it’s essential to carefully review the copayments and coinsurance structure to ensure that they align with your dental care needs and budget.

Understanding UCR Fees: How They Affect Your Dental Insurance Plan and Tips for Choosing the Right Dentist

In addition to monthly premiums, deductibles, copayments, and Coinsurance, another cost factor may affect your dental insurance plan: UCR fees. UCR stands for “usual, customary, and reasonable,” and it refers to the fees dentists in your area typically charge for specific dental services. 

If your dentist charges more than the UCR fee for a particular service, you may have to pay the difference out of pocket. The charge is known as balance billing. To avoid UCR fees and balance billing, choosing a dentist who accepts your dental insurance plan and charges fees within the UCR limits is essential.

Before choosing a dentist, check with your dental insurance provider to find a list of in-network dentists who accept your plan. You can also call the dental office directly and ask if they take your dental insurance plan and if they charge fees within the UCR limits.

In conclusion, UCR fees can significantly impact your dental insurance plan’s overall cost. To avoid balance billing and ensure you receive the maximum benefits from your dental insurance plan, choosing a dentist who accepts your plan and charges fees within the UCR limits is essential.

From Struggle to Success: A Story on How Lena Found Affordable Dental Insurance and Access to Proper Oral Health Care

From a young age, Lena struggled with her oral health. Her parents couldn’t afford to take her to the dentist frequently, so she didn’t receive proper oral health care. Now that she was 27, she had been working full-time for a while, but her job didn’t offer dental benefits. Lena knew she needed dental insurance but wasn’t sure where to start.

She called a few local dental offices and found they accepted Dental Dental, an affordable dental insurance plan. However, she was still determining if it offered the benefits she needed for her oral health care needs. Lena did some research and found that Dental Dental of California provided comprehensive benefits, including preventive, basic, and major dental services. She was relieved she could get her needed care without breaking the bank.

Lena also learned about Delta Dental’s HMO and PPO plans in California. She was pleased to find out that options were available to fit her budget and dental care needs. Lena decided to go with Delta Dental’s HMO plan, as it was more affordable and would allow her to pay lower out-of-pocket costs for services. She appreciated that she could still choose from a network of dentists who accepted HMO insurance, so she didn’t have to compromise on quality of care.

As Lena continued her research, she learned about the various costs associated with dental insurance plans, such as monthly premiums, deductibles, copayments, and Coinsurance. She was surprised to find out that the monthly premium for her Delta Dental HMO plan was as low as $8.00. She also learned the importance of understanding UCR fees and how they could affect her overall cost.

With all the information she gathered, Lena felt confident in her choice of Delta Dental’s HMO plan. She found a dentist who accepted her plan and charged fees within the UCR limits, so she wouldn’t have to worry about balance billing. Lena was finally thrilled to have access to proper oral health care and knew it was an essential part of her overall well-being.

Explore Our Dental Insurance Plans for Your Oral Health Needs and Budget at

We hope the information we provided, and the story we shared helped you understand the different dental insurance plan types and cost factors. At, we offer a variety of dental insurance plans, and we can help you find the one that best fits your dental care needs and budget.

If you have any questions or want a free quote, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 310-534-3444. Our office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Our team of knowledgeable and friendly representatives is ready to assist you.

Visit our website,, to learn more about our dental insurance plan options and to start finding the right one for you. We are committed to helping you maintain good oral health and overall well-being.

Posted by carol | in California Dental Insurance, Delta Dental DeltaCare, Delta Dental Plan, Dental Insurance California, Individual Dental Insurance | Comments Off on A Guide to Dental Insurance Plans: Understanding Costs, Benefits, and Choosing the Right Plan for Your Oral Health Care Needs

California Dental Insurance – Adult Orthodontic and Panoramic X-Rays

Mar. 25th 2024

Question:  Hi, I am 25 and would like to know if you could provide information regarding the cost of a Panoramic X-ray for orthodontic services in California. I’m budgeting for my upcoming orthodontic treatment and want to understand all the costs involved and why Panoramic X-rays may be needed. I appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you so much!

Reply: Welcome to! If you’re looking for answers to your dental questions, you’ve come to the right place. Our goal is to provide helpful information and resources to our visitors so they can make informed decisions about their dental health. 

Your question is a common one. We understand dental terminology can be confusing, so we’re here to help. Feel free to call us at 310-534-3444, and we’ll be happy to assist you if you have further questions or would like to buy dental insurance to help you with the cost of your dental care needs. 

Understanding Panoramic X-rays: A Comprehensive View of Your Mouth for Better Dental Treatments

To begin with, let’s delve into the concept of a Panoramic X-ray. A Panoramic X-ray is a dental X-ray that captures a 2D image of the entire mouth, including all teeth, upper and lower jaws, temporomandibular joints, and surrounding structures. It is also known as a panoramic radiograph, and it is a valuable tool for dentists and oral surgeons to diagnose various dental issues such as impacted teeth, jaw tumors, cysts, and bone irregularities. With the help of a Panoramic X-ray, dental professionals can get a comprehensive view of the mouth and create customized treatment plans for their patients.

Panoramic X-rays: The Comprehensive Imaging Solution for Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment

An orthodontic dentist may want to take Panoramic X-rays for several reasons. One of the main reasons is that Panoramic X-rays provide a comprehensive view of the entire oral cavity, including the teeth, jaws, and surrounding structures. This level of detail is often necessary to properly diagnose and treat certain orthodontic conditions.

While bite-wing X-rays can provide a detailed view of individual teeth, they offer a different level of comprehensive information than a Panoramic X-ray. Bite-wing X-rays are more helpful in detecting cavities and decay in individual teeth, but they don’t show the whole picture regarding orthodontic treatment.

For example, if a patient has a misaligned bite or jaw, a Panoramic X-ray can provide valuable information about the alignment of the teeth and jaws and the position of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ). This information is critical for developing a treatment plan that addresses the underlying cause of the misalignment rather than just treating the symptoms.

Additionally, Panoramic X-rays are less invasive than other imaging techniques, such as CT scans, which can expose patients to higher radiation levels. This makes them a safer and more practical option for orthodontic dentists.

In summary, while bite-wing X-rays are helpful for specific diagnostic purposes, they offer a different level of comprehensive information than a Panoramic X-ray. Orthodontic dentists may prefer to use Panoramic X-rays to get a complete view of the oral cavity, especially when diagnosing and treating complex orthodontic conditions.

Understanding the Cost Difference between Panoramic and Basic X-rays for Orthodontic Treatment

Are you looking for orthodontic treatment and wondering why Panoramic X-rays cost more than basic X-rays? Let’s explore the topic to understand why.

Firstly, let’s discuss the average cost of Panoramic X-rays. The price can vary depending on where you live, the dental provider you choose, and your dental insurance coverage. However, it can range from $100 to $250 on average.

On the other hand, basic X-rays, also known as bite-wing X-rays, are less expensive and can cost anywhere from $25 to $150. The primary reason for the cost difference between the two types of X-rays is the level of detail captured in the images.

Panoramic X-rays provide a comprehensive view of the entire mouth, including the teeth, upper and lower jaws, temporomandibular joints, and surrounding structures. This level of detail requires specialized equipment and more time to capture the image, which leads to a higher cost.

In contrast, basic X-rays capture images of individual teeth and are less detailed than Panoramic X-rays. Basic X-rays are easier to take and require less specialized equipment, which leads to a lower cost.

Now, you may be wondering why orthodontic dentists prefer to use Panoramic X-rays instead of basic X-rays. The answer lies in the level of detail that Panoramic X-rays provide.

Orthodontic treatment requires a comprehensive view of the entire mouth, including the alignment of the teeth and jaws, the position of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ), and any bone irregularities. This level of detail is necessary to diagnose and treat certain orthodontic conditions properly.

While basic X-rays can provide some information about individual teeth, they don’t offer the same comprehensive information as Panoramic X-rays. Orthodontic dentists prefer to use Panoramic X-rays for diagnosis and treatment planning.

Panoramic X-rays cost more than basic X-rays due to the detail captured in the images. While basic X-rays can provide some information about individual teeth, orthodontic dentists prefer to use Panoramic X-rays for their comprehensive view of the entire mouth, which is necessary for diagnosing and treating certain orthodontic conditions. Suppose you’re planning to get orthodontic treatment. In that case, it’s essential to understand the cost difference between the two types of X-rays and why your orthodontic dentist may prefer to use Panoramic X-rays.

Why Some Dental Insurance Plans Don’t Cover Panoramic X-rays: Understanding Coverage Policies and Detail Levels

Have you ever wondered why some dental insurance plans do not cover Panoramic X-rays? The answer lies in the plan’s coverage policy and the level of detail captured in the Panoramic X-ray.

Panoramic X-rays are valuable for orthodontic dentists and oral surgeons to diagnose dental issues such as impacted teeth, jaw tumors, cysts, and bone irregularities. However, the dental insurance company may not consider the level of detail captured in the Panoramic X-ray necessary for routine dental checkups or basic dental treatments.

Moreover, insurance plans have different coverage policies for dental services, and some may not cover Panoramic X-rays as part of their basic coverage. Instead, they may offer it as an add-on service or provide coverage for Panoramic X-rays if deemed medically necessary.

It’s essential to note that not all insurance plans also provide benefits for adult braces. The coverage policy of dental insurance plans varies depending on the provider, and some may not cover orthodontic treatments or provide limited coverage for adult braces.

If you plan to undergo orthodontic treatment and require Panoramic X-rays, checking your dental insurance plan’s coverage policy is essential. You can consult your dental insurance provider to understand the coverage policy and whether they offer coverage for Panoramic X-rays or orthodontic treatments.

In conclusion, the lack of coverage for Panoramic X-rays in dental insurance plans may be due to the detail captured in the image and the insurance plan coverage policy. Understanding your dental insurance plan’s coverage policy before undergoing dental treatment or diagnostic procedures is crucial to avoid unexpected costs.

What to Consider When Buying Dental Insurance for Adult Orthodontic Care and Panoramic X-rays

Are you considering buying dental insurance to cover the costs of adult orthodontic care or Panoramic X-rays? If so, thoroughly reviewing each insurance plan’s benefits before deciding is essential. Refrain from assuming that all dental insurance plans are the same, as different plans can offer vastly different benefits and coverage options.

Firstly, let’s discuss why it’s important to have dental insurance that covers adult orthodontic care. Many adults require orthodontic treatment to correct misaligned teeth or jaws, which can improve their dental health and overall quality of life. However, orthodontic treatment can be costly, with the average cost of braces ranging from $3,000 to $7,000. Having dental insurance that covers orthodontic care can help alleviate the financial burden and make it more affordable for you to get the care you need.

When reviewing dental insurance plans for orthodontic care, it’s essential to consider the coverage options and limitations. Some plans may only cover a portion of the cost of braces, while others may have age restrictions or require a waiting period before coverage begins. Be sure to read the fine print and understand what is covered and what is not so you can make an informed decision.

Now, let’s move on to Panoramic X-rays. As we discussed earlier, Panoramic X-rays are a valuable tool for diagnosing and treating orthodontic conditions. They provide a comprehensive view of the entire mouth, which is necessary for developing effective treatment plans. However, Panoramic X-rays can also be costly, with the average cost ranging from $100 to $250.

When reviewing dental insurance plans for Panoramic X-rays, it’s essential to look at the coverage options and limitations. Some plans may cover the cost of Panoramic X-rays as part of routine dental care, while others may require a co-payment or have a limit on the number of X-rays covered per year. Again, reading the fine print and understanding what is covered and what is not is essential.

When buying dental insurance for adult orthodontic care or Panoramic X-rays, you must thoroughly review each insurance plan’s benefits before deciding. Refrain from assuming that all plans are equal, as different plans can offer vastly different benefits and coverage options. By taking the time to review each plan carefully, you can make an informed decision and choose the plan that best meets your needs and budget.

Finding the Best Deals on Adult Orthodontic Services When Paying Out of Pocket.

If you plan on paying out of pocket for your adult orthodontic services and related treatment, you must be aware of the potential cost variation between dentists. It is essential to shop around for the best deal. 

One significant factor that can impact the cost of adult orthodontic treatment is the price variation between dentists. Each dentist sets their fees for services and treatments, which can vary significantly from one practitioner to another. The difference in cost can be due to several factors, such as the dentist’s location, experience, and reputation.

For instance, a dentist in a high-income area may have higher fees than a dentist in a less affluent neighborhood. Similarly, a dentist with many years of experience may charge more than a newly qualified dentist. Reputation is another factor that can impact cost. A dentist with a good reputation may charge more for their services than a dentist with a less established reputation.

Shopping around and comparing different dentists’ prices is essential to ensure you get the best deal. Comparison shopping can involve researching online, calling dentists, and visiting their offices to understand pricing and services. Doing so lets you find a dentist who offers high-quality services at a price that fits your budget.

In addition to comparing prices, it is also essential to consider the dentist’s reputation and experience. While cost is critical, it should not be the only factor you consider when choosing a dentist. You should also consider the quality of their services, their experience with adult orthodontic treatment, and their reputation in the community.

Paying out of pocket for adult orthodontic services and related treatment can be costly. However, by shopping around for the best deal and considering factors such as reputation and experience, you can find a dentist who offers quality services at a price that fits your budget. So, take your time, research, and choose carefully to ensure you get the best possible care at an affordable price.

Comparison Shopping Tips for Finding the Right Dentist

When it comes to finding the right dentist, comparing shops is essential. After all, your oral health is crucial, and you want to find a dental professional who meets your needs and budget. Here are some tips on how to comparison shop for a dentist:

1. Ask around: Start by asking your friends, family, and colleagues for recommendations. You can also check online reviews and ratings to understand the dentist’s reputation.

2. Research their services: Look for dentists who offer the needed services, such as routine cleanings, fillings, or more complex procedures like root canals or veneers.

3. Check their credentials: Ensure the dentist is licensed and has the qualifications to provide dental care. You can check their credentials with your state’s dental board.

4. Inquire about their fees: Dental services can be expensive, so it’s essential to ask about the dentist’s fees upfront. Find out what’s included in the cost and if they offer any payment plans.

5. Ask about their availability: Make sure the dentist’s office hours fit your schedule and that they can accommodate emergency appointments.

6. Visit the office: Once you’ve narrowed your options, schedule a visit to the dentist’s office. Check if the office is clean and organized and the staff is friendly and helpful.

Following these tips, you can find a dentist who provides excellent care and fits your budget. Don’t settle for the first dentist you come across. Take your time, ask questions, and visit a comparison shop to find the right dental professional.

In conclusion, we hope this information has helped you understand the importance of Panoramic X-rays in orthodontic treatment and why they cost more than basic X-rays. If you have any further questions or need assistance finding the right dental insurance to help you with the cost of your dental care needs, we encourage you to visit or call us at 310-534-3444. Our team is here to help you find the best fit for your dental care needs with different types of dental insurance available. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm. Thank you for considering as your dental resource.

Posted by carol | in Dental Insurance California, Dental Plan California, Individual Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Adult Orthodontic and Panoramic X-Rays

California Health, How Dental Insurance Helps You Maintain Your Health.

Nov. 19th 2014

It goes without saying having health insurance is very important. However, many health insurance plans do not include dental care or have very limited benefits for dental care.  Yet your oral health plays a large role in your overall wellness.

With that said having an individual dental insurance plan is equally important in maintaining not only your dental health but your overall health and well being.  Take the time to review the dental insurance plans our website has to offer and please call our member service line at 310-534-3444 if you should have any questions.   We be happy to help.

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California Dental Health Insurance Plans

Nov. 17th 2014

Many Californians strive to stay fit and be healthy. However often times dental care is still left on the back burner. Did you know that more and more studies prove that the health of you mouth can have a direct effect on your over all wellness.

That’s why it is important to have dental insurance. With dental insurance it will help you keep your dental care cost low and much more affordable.  By having affordable dental care you are more likely to visit your dentist regularly and maintain your dental care needs.

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California Aetna Dental Access Network DentaChoice Plus Discount Plan

Apr. 28th 2011

Reviewing the Aetna Dental Access Network DentaChoice Plus Discount Plan. This dental plan offers individual and family dental services including vision and prescription (Rx) to all residents in the household, including children, parents, relatives, significant others, and all permanent residents. There are no deductibles and no yearly limits on services, and there are no claim forms to fill out. Your savings are in place when you visit a network dentist. You just show up for your dental appointment and make your payment – what could be easier?

The dentists must meet the Plan’s standard of quality and service. All have agreed to provide dental care at a low cost available only to its members. There is no waiting period for your dental services to begin, pre-existing dental conditions are covered and best of all, the dental plan services starts the next business day, so you can see the plan dentist immediately. Review the sample schedule below and see how easy it is for you or your entire family to enjoy these quality dental services.

This schedule is only to be used as a guide to determine approximate prices for dental services in the geographic area noted. The fee schedule amount reflects average fee information currently available on the Aetna Dental Access system. Individual dentist fee schedules may differ. We make no guarantee as to the accuracy of any particular fee amount. In order to determine the specific rates for a dental provider, you should contact the dental provider directly.

Dentists participating in the program network have agreed to make certain dental services and supplies available to you on a discounted service basis. The term discounted service means a dental service that is available to you at a reduced cost from fees normally charged by the dental provider and for which you are solely financially responsible. All payments to dental providers are due and payable at the time of service, unless another payment arrangement is mutually agreed upon between you and the treating dental provider. You shall be subject to the treating dental provider’s late payment and other office policies.

THIS PROGRAM IS NOT AN INSURANCE PLAN and we do not make payments directly to healthcare services providers. It is a discount program and you are obligated to pay for all healthcare services at time of service. You will receive discounts for healthcare services from those providers who have contracted with the plan. This plan is administered by National Benefit Builders, In. (NBBI), 248 Columbia Turnpike, Florham, NJ 07932. The program and its administrators, AccessOne Consumer Health, Inc. have no liability for providing or guaranteeing service or the quality of service rendered. For questions or complaints contact them at 8 Villa Road, Greenville, SC 29615 or at the website Note to Utah residents: This program is not protected by the Utah Life and Health Guarantee Association.

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California New Dental Choice Discount Plan for the Los Angeles, Orange, and Ventura counties

Apr. 27th 2011

Reviewing the California New Dental Choice Discount Plan for the Los Angeles, Orange, and Ventura counties. This dental plan offers individual and family dental services. A family includes individual, spouse, and legal dependents (including children up to age 26). Unlike tradition dental insurance plans there are no deductibles and no yearly limits on services, and there are no claim forms to fill out. Your savings are in place when you visit network dentist. You just show up for your dental appointment and make your payment – what could be easier?

The dentists must meet the Plan’s standard of quality and service. All have agreed to provide dental care at a low cost available only to its members. There is no waiting period for your dental services to begin, pre-existing dental conditions are covered and best of all, the dental plan services start once your application and payment is received and processed by the dental plan company. Review the sample schedule below and see how easy it is for you or your entire family to enjoy these quality dental services.

Individual and Family Combined Membership: Agreement and Description of Services and Disclosure Form

The following terms and conditions of this Individual and Family Membership Agreement and Description of Services and Disclosure Form (the Agreement”) govern New Dental Choice, offered by First Dental Health, (“FDH”) and the Services available thereunder. Subscribers and their eligible dependents are subject to all of the provisions, definitions, limitations and conditions of this Agreement. The Plan’s address from which it conducts its business is 7220 Trade Street, Suite 350, San Diego, California 92121. All persons subscribing to The Plan should read the terms of this Agreement carefully and communicate any questions that may arise to a Plan representative available by telephone Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm PST at 1-888-NDC-ENROLL (1-888-632-3676). By accepting enrollment in The Plan, Subscriber is agreeing to the terms of this Agreement.

Please read the following information so you will know from whom or what group of dentists your dental care discounts may be obtained.



ACT means the Knox-Keene Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975, as amended. Plan is subject to the Act.
DENTAL CARE SERVICES means those dental care services eligible for discounted fees under this Agreement.
DEPARTMENT means the California Department of Managed Health Care.
DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES means this Combined Membership Agreement and Description of Services and Disclosure Form issued to a Subscriber or Enrollee setting forth the Services to which the Subscriber or Enrollee is entitled and the conditions and procedures for obtaining discounted Dental Care Services.
DISCOUNT DENTAL FEE PLAN means an entity that, in exchange for fees, dues, charges or other considerations, provides access to its members to providers of dental care services and the right to receive discounts on dental care services from those providers. Such a Plan contracts with providers, provider networks or other Discount Fee Plan organizations to offer discounted fees for dental care services and other healthcare services and determines the membership charge to Discount Dental Fee Plan members.
ELIGIBLE DEPENDENTS means the lawful spouse of the Subscriber (unless legally separated), a dependent parent (provided proof of dependency is furnished to the Plan by the Subscriber at the time of enrollment), or the unmarried children (including step-children, adopted and foster children who are dependent on the Subscriber for support and maintenance) of the Subscriber, from and after birth, until their 19th birthday (or 24th if a full-time student). At attainment of age nineteen (19), coverage as a dependent shall be extended if the child is and continues to be both (1) incapable of selfsustaining employment by reason of diminished mental capacity or physical handicap and (2) chiefly dependent upon the Subscriber for support and maintenance provided proof of such incapacity and dependency is furnished to the Plan by the Subscriber within thirty-one (31) days of the Plan’s request for such proof.
ENROLLEE means a person who is enrolled in Plan.
MEMBER means any eligible Subscriber and his or her eligible dependent(s) for whom the appropriate Membership Fee has been paid.
MEMBERSHIP FEE means those amounts payable monthly or annually as set forth herein as consideration for membership in Plan and access to the discounts provided.
NON-PARTICIPATING PROVIDER means general dentists or specialist dentists who are not contracted with the Plan.
PARTICIPATING PROVIDER means general dentists or specialist dentists who are contracted with the Plan to provide discounts for Dental Care Services to eligible Members.
PLAN means New Dental Choice, a program of First Dental Health, Inc.
PLAN CONTRACT means a contract, such as this Agreement, between the Plan and its Subscribers or a person or entity contracting on behalf of Members pursuant to which access to discounted dental fees from Participating Providers is provided.
SERVICE AREA means a geographical area designated by Plan within which it provides access to discounted dental fees. The Service Areas are described in Attachment “B” to this Agreement. Services are not available outside the Service Areas.
SERVICES mean the discounted fees for Dental Care Services from Participating Providers available to Members as determined by the Plan.
SERVICES IN PROGRESS means Dental Care Services provided by a Participating Provider requiring more than one (1) day to complete, or of such a nature that a Member would not reasonably contract to have the first of the services without assurance that each of the later services would be performed in sequence according to the agreed-upon schedule or on dates reasonably close to the scheduled dates, and the first of which Dental Care Services have been performed on or before the date on which Plan Membership terminates. “Services in Progress” do not include dental care services, whether directly or indirectly related thereto, begun before the effective date of Member’s Plan membership.
SUBSCRIBER means the individual who has paid a Membership Fee.


The Plan is a Discount Dental Fee Plan. Each Plan Member is entitled to receive discounts on specified Dental Care Services from a Participating Provider. Members are entitled to receive predetermined discounts for certain listed Dental Care Services from Participating Providers and to receive a 15% discount off the Participating Provider’s normal retail prices for all other unlisted Dental Care Services. The vast majority of dental fees are contracted for at levels significantly reduced from the dentist’s usual fees. Fees for unlisted Dental Care Services are contracted for at a 15% discount off of the Participating Providers usual and customary fee for such Services. Fees for discounted Dental Care Services vary by region. The Plan reviews the terms and conditions regarding Services, Dental Care Services eligible for discounts, and the discounted fees on an annual basis and each is subject to change, modification, or substitution by Plan each year on January 1. Plan will deliver to the Member a notice in writing at least 30 days prior to implementing any such changes. The Plan will also deliver to the Member a notice in writing indicating any changes in premium rates, discounted fees or services at least 30 days prior to the contract renewal effective date. If a Member wishes to confirm the discounted fee for a particular Dental Care Service, or would like to know the business hours for a Participating Provider, he/she should telephone a Plan representative at the toll-free number 1-888-NDC-ENROLL (1-888-632-3676), located on the Membership card, or go to the Plan’s website at Plan may at some future time offer discount fee programs for other, non-dental care services, such as vision and prescription drugs. If Plan decides to offer such other discount fee programs, it will do so by means of a supplementary rider to this Agreement. Individual will be notified of the opportunity and procedures to subscribe to such other discount fee plans.


The Dental Care Services listed in Attachment “A” comprise a partial list of over 330 procedures discounted to fixed fees which represent the vast majority of the dental care services typically required by patients. All fees for procedures listed herein are the maximum fees for which a Member shall be responsible. In the event a Participating Provider’s usual and customary fees are lower than the Plan’s discounted fees, the Member shall only be liable for the lower of the two fees.


The vast majority of dental care fees are contracted for at levels significantly reduced from the dentist’s usual fees. Fees for unlisted Dental Care Services are contracted for at a 15% discount off of the Participating Provider’s usual and customary fee for such Services.


Dental Care Services must be received from a Participating Provider. Dental Care Services or expenses incurred or in connection with any dental procedures started prior to the Member’s effective date under this Agreement or after termination of the Member’s Membership are excluded. (Examples: teeth prepared for crowns, root canal treatment in progress, orthodontic treatment in progress.)


Membership Fees applicable to this Agreement, including monthly and annual Membership Fees for Individuals and for Families, are contained in Attachment “C” to this Agreement, which Attachment is incorporated herein by this reference.


All persons who have submitted the required enrollment information to the Plan and have either paid or had paid on their behalf the appropriate Membership Fee shall be considered Members and eligible for discounts upon receipt of their Member I.D. card. Renewal dates for Members enrolling and paying annually will begin on the anniversary date of initial membership.


The Plan issues each Subscriber two (2) I.D. cards. One must be presented at the time Dental Care Services are obtained at a Participating Provider. The Member must pay the Provider at the time that Dental Care Services are received unless otherwise agreed upon between Provider and Member. The Member is not required to file any claims.


a) Each Member must use a Participating Provider in order to receive services. The Plan does not assign Members to Participating Providers and Member is free to select and receive Dental Care Services from any Participating Provider. Participating Providers for Member’s geographic area may be located using Plan’s website or by telephoning the Plan at 1-888-NDC-ENROLL (1-888-632-3676). The Plan maintains an extensive network of general dentists and specialists. In most geographic areas there are specialist dentists in reasonable proximity to where Members reside. In some more rural areas, however, some specialties may not be available. Should the need arise, Members should call the Plan or consult the Plan’s website to determine where a particular specialty may be found in the Member’s area.

b) The Plan does not require notification from the Member if Member wants to change from one Participating Provider to a different Participating Provider. These rules of selection and freedom to change Participating Providers apply both to general dentists and to specialists. Member shall be solely responsible for any charges for any dental treatment received from a Non-Participating Provider under any circumstances or for any reason.

c) Unless the Member or the Plan requests otherwise, a Participating Provider withdrawing or being terminated from the Plan is obligated to provide, following the date of his or her termination from the Plan, Dental Care Services to a Member in the course of commenced but uncompleted treatment by the Provider on the date of such withdrawal or termination from the Plan at the discounted fees to which the Member is entitled under this Agreement until the course of treatment has been completed.

d) Should the Plan cease to be in business, the Participating Provider is obligated to continue to provide Dental Care Services to Members at the discounted fees to which the Member is entitled under this Agreement until the Member’s paid annual membership terminates.

e) The Plan will post on its website ( the names of Participating Providers who (1) have given notice to Plan that they intend to withdraw from the Plan’s provider network; (2) are being terminated from the Plan; or (3) become unable to perform as a Participating Provider This notice under normal circumstances will be posted no less than sixty (60) days before the Provider will cease to be a Provider in the Plan, although in instances where the Provider is being terminated for reasons of cause or otherwise becomes unable to perform as a Provider, the website notice may be posted in fewer days. Therefore, Members are encouraged to consult the Plan’s website to determine the status of a particular Participating Provider, or they may call the Plan’s toll-free number and speak with a Member Services Representative (1-888-632-3676).


The Plan is not liable for any Member costs incurred at Participating Providers or Non-Participating Providers. Should for any reason the Plan come to owe to a Participating Provider any sum, the Member shall not be responsible or liable to the Provider for any portion of such sums.


The Plan need not be notified in the event of an emergency. A Member requiring emergency Dental Care Service may receive Services from any Participating Provider by showing a valid Member I.D. card. The Plan does not provide for discounted fees from Non-Participating Providers. The plan is not liable for any Member costs incurred at Non-Participating Providers.


Upon receipt of the Plan Member I.D. card, a Member and Eligible Dependents shall be equally entitled to all discounts for the term of which the Subscriber has paid. Subscriber may add additional dependents by notifying Plan in writing and paying any relevant prorated monies for the remainder of Subscriber’s eligibility term. A Subscriber may include or add as a dependent a domestic partner provided the domestic partnership has been registered with the Office of the California Secretary of State.


At the conclusion of the initial and subsequent Membership Terms, annual memberships in the Plan will be renewed automatically unless the Subscriber notifies the Plan, by providing written or e-mail notification to Plan at prior to the new Membership term, that he/she wishes to cancel his/her Membership in the Plan. Subscribers with annual Memberships may pre-approve an automatic billing to their credit card to effect their renewal; Subscribers not authorizing automatic renewal will be mailed a renewal notice no less than 30 days prior to the end of their Membership term.


An enrollment or a subscription may be cancelled or not renewed by Plan for the following reasons:

(a) Failure to pay the Membership Fee if the Subscriber has been duly notified and billed for the Fee and at least 15 days have elapsed since the date of notification. Cancellation of membership will be effective upon the date of mailing the notice of cancellation.

(b) Fraud or deception in the use of the discounted fee Membership or knowingly permitting such fraud or deception by another. Cancellation of membership will be effective upon the date of mailing the notice of cancellation;

(c) If at any time we determine that you intentionally gave us incomplete or incorrect material information and our decision to accept your enrollment was based, in whole or part, on that misinformation, we may cancel your membership. Cancellation of membership will be effective upon the date of mailing the notice of cancellation.

(d) If a Participating Provider is unable, after reasonable effort, to establish and maintain a satisfactory dentist-patient relationship with a Member, and Member declines to seek desired dental services from another Participating Provider. Notice of such termination must be in writing by the Plan and eligibility will cease fifteen (15) days after receipt of postage-paid mailing of such notice. Following termination, the Plan will refund any Membership Fee received by it on behalf of such Member during the period of one (1) month prior to such termination.

(e) Upon a Dependent’s no longer living with and financially dependent upon the Subscriber, as determined by the Internal Revenue Service. Cancellation of Dependent’s membership will be effective on the last day of the month for which a prepayment fee was made on behalf of the Dependent.

(f) If eligibility lapses while a Member is undergoing treatment for an ongoing condition, the Member will have a thirty (30) day grace period for full reinstatement of eligibility without a lapse in coverage. (g) In the event the proper Membership Fee amount is paid after cancellation of the Subscriber, the Plan will reinstate the Subscriber without requiring a new application unless the Plan shall, within twenty (20) business days: 1) refund the payment made or 2) issue to the Subscriber a new enrollment form. Covered Services in Progress will continue until the Services are completed. A Subscriber who believes that his or her membership has been cancelled or non-renewed because of his or her dental health status or requirements for dental care services may request that such action be reviewed by the Director of the Department of Managed Health Care by contacting the Department at the telephone number stated in Paragraph 17 below. If after canceling this Agreement for nonpayment of the required Membership Fee Plan receives the Membership Fee within 30 days, Plan shall reinstate the Member as though the cancellation had never occurred; provided, however, that Plan need not reinstate the Member if payment is not received within 30 days of the issuance of the notice of cancellation; in such a case, a new application will be required and if accepted the original contract will be reinstated. The notice of cancellation will clearly state these conditions and procedures.


If, for any reason, a Subscriber is not satisfied with the Plan and wishes to terminate his/her Membership, the Subscriber may cancel the Membership within the first 30 (thirty) days by notifying the Plan in writing or by e-mail communication at Subscriber must also return his/her Member I.D. Card to Plan to receive a refund. Membership in the Plan shall terminate at midnight on the date that Plan receives the noticed cancellation. Activation fees collected at the time of enrollment are not refundable. Refunds shall be made through the same mode as the last payment received. Any cancellation of Membership in the Plan will not affect the completion of any Services in Progress.


Unless payment is made by check (other than by a direct debit to a checking account), payment of the initial Membership Fee and any renewal Membership Fee is made automatically by a direct charge against the Subscriber’s credit card or other payment option, previously authorized by the Subscriber, for the full amount of the Plan Membership Fee for the Membership Term. Members who choose to pay Membership Fees by a direct charge against the Subscriber’s credit card or other automatic payment option may authorize the Plan to automatically renew the Subscriber’s Membership at the end of the Member’s term by charging the Subscriber’s credit card or other automatic payment option. The Subscriber will be notified of the billing in his/her credit card or other statement. Plan reserves the right to increase the Membership Fee for a future Membership Term, in which case the Subscriber will be notified in writing of the increased Membership Fee, a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the date of the new charge.


If a Member has a grievance with the Plan or a Participating Provider concerning Provider accessibility or discounted fees under this contract, he or she may orally submit such grievance by calling the Plan Member Services Department at 1-888-NDC-ENROLL (1-888-632-3676). Plan will permit grievances which are filed within 180 days of the occurrence or incident that is the subject of the grievance. Member may also submit a completed written grievance form (available by calling the Member Services number, online at, or from their Dentist’s office) or a detailed grievance summary of Member’s grievance to: New Dental Choice, c/o Membership Services Department, P.O. Box 919029 San Diego, CA 92191. The Chief Operating Officer of Plan shall have primary responsibility for overseeing the operation of Plan’s grievance procedures. All grievances will be addressed within 48 business hours of receipt. The Plan shall not discriminate against any Member because of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, martial status, sexual orientation, genetic characteristics, mental, or physical abilities when filing a grievance. Furthermore, the Plan will not discriminate against any member who has engaged the grievance procedure at any level, for any reason. The California Department of Managed Health Care is responsible for regulating discounted fee plans. If a Member has a grievance against the Plan, Member should first contact the Plan at 1-888-NDC-ENROLL (1-888-632-3676) and attempt to resolve the grievance through the Plan’s grievance process before contacting the Department. Utilizing this grievance procedure does not negate any potential legal rights or remedies that may be available to Member. If Member needs help with a grievance that has not been satisfactorily resolved by the Plan, or with a grievance that has remained unresolved for more than 30 days, Member may call the Department for assistance. The Department has a toll-free number (1-888-466-2219) and a TDD line (1-877-688-9891) for the hearing- and speech-impaired. The Department’s Internet Web site ( has complaint forms and instructions online.


Each and every disagreement, dispute or controversy which remains unresolved concerning Provider accessibility or discounted fees under this contract after exhausting Plan’s complaint procedures, arising between a member or the heir-at-law or personal representative of such person, as the case may be, and Plan, its employees, officers or directors, or Participating Provider or Members, partners, agents, or employees, may be voluntarily submitted to arbitration in accordance with the rules and regulations of the American Arbitration Association. Arbitration shall be initiated by written notice to the President of First Dental Health, Inc., P.O. Box 919029, San Diego, California 92191. This notice shall include a detailed description of the matter to be arbitrated.


The Plan encourages participation by Members in the Plan’s Public Policy Committee. The Public Policy Committee meets quarterly and Plan appoints selected Members to serve for a period of two (2) years. The Public Policy Committee establishes Public Policy issues with the Plan, evaluates Plan performance as it relates to membership and reviews Plan materials. Interested Members are requested to contact the Plan’s administrative office for further information.


Subscriber makes the following representations and acknowledgements:

a) Subscriber has read this Agreement carefully, understands the Plan, and understands the various billing methods for payment of the Membership Fee.

b) Subscriber may cancel his/her Plan Membership within the first 30 (thirty) days of the Membership Term and will be entitled to a refund subject to the terms of Paragraph 15 of this Agreement.

c) Unless Subscriber cancels his/her Membership in accordance with Paragraph 15 of this Agreement, the Plan Membership will be automatically renewed on the last day of Subscriber’s Membership Term, and payment of the Plan Membership Fee for the new Membership Term will be made by a direct charge against Subscriber’s credit card or other automatic payment option.

d) Membership in the Plan and services thereunder are not assignable without the express written consent of the Plan. Subscriber agrees that he/she will use his/her Plan Membership only for his/her personal benefit or for the benefit of his/her Eligible Dependents. A violation of this paragraph 19(d) will result in immediate termination of the Plan Membership.

e) Subscriber understands that Members are responsible for paying Participating Providers for services rendered at time of service unless otherwise agreed upon by Member and Participating Provider.

f) A statement describing the FDH policies and procedures for preserving the confidentiality of dental records is available and will be furnished to you upon request.


The Plan is not a merchant, manufacturer, or a direct provider of the Dental Care Services available to Members. In the event any product or Dental Care Service purchased by a Member is cancelled, modified, defective, or otherwise unsatisfactory to the Member, the Member will look solely to the Provider, seller, merchant, or manufacturer of the product or service for any repair, exchange, refund, or satisfaction of claim.


The Plan shall not discriminate against any Member because of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, martial status, sexual orientation, genetic characteristics, mental, or physical abilities.


Each Subscriber for himself/herself, and on behalf of any Eligible Dependent who uses the Services under the Plan Membership, hereby forever releases, acquits and discharges each of FDH, its employees or agents from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, actions, and cause of action that such Member may have by reason of any monetary damage or personal injury sustained as a result of, or during the cause of the use of any and all Services under The Plan.


Any and all notices, consents, approvals, requests, and other written communications given or required under the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been duly given and served when sent by first class mail, postage-prepaid and addressed to the Member at the address shown on the Member I.D. Card, or to Plan at: New Dental Choice, P.O. Box 919029, San Diego, CA 92191.


This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with regard to membership in the Plan. No representations, inducements, promises or agreements, or otherwise, shall be of any force or effect. The validity or unenforceability of any term of this Agreement shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other terms or provisions or this Agreement.


This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties as well as their respective successors and permitted assigns.


This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California.


The headings or captions provided throughout this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall in no way affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.


This agreement may be amended only in writing executed by the parties.


Waiver of breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any other breach of the same or different provision.

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California Dental Insurance $1500 Max Platinum Plan Underwritten by Delta Dental Insurance Company

Apr. 26th 2011

Reviewing the Dental Insurance $1500 Max Platinum Plan Underwritten by Delta Dental Insurance Company. This dental insurance plan provides individual and family dental benefits. A family membership covers the applicant, spouse, and your dependent children ages 25 or younger. The dental insurance plan offers your choice of dentist and you can change your dentist anytime by notifying the company. Your savings are in place when you visit your dentist so you just show up for your dental appointment and make your co-payment – what could be easier? Dental health care and orthodontic coverage is included for dependent children.

There is no waiting period for your preventive services to start. Please review the dental benefit co-payments below and see how easy it is for you or your entire family to enjoy these quality dental services. Just a reminder your online request must be processed on or before the 20th of the month prior to the following month’s coverage effective date.

Limitations on all Benefits – Optional Services:

Services that are more expensive than the form of treatment customarily provided under accepted dental practice standards are called “Optional Services.” Optional Services also include the use of specialized techniques instead of standard procedures. For example: a crown where a filling would restore the tooth, a precision denture where a standard denture could be used, or an inlay instead of a restoration. If you receive Optional Services, your Benefits will be based on the lower cost of the customary service or standard practice instead of the higher cost of the Optional Service. You will be responsible for the difference between the higher cost of the Optional Service and the lower cost of the customary service or standard practice.

Exclusions – The Insurance Company does not pay Benefits for:

1.Services for injuries or conditions which are compensable under workers’ compensation or employers’ liability laws; services which are provided to the Enrollee by any federal or state government agency or are provided without cost to the Enrollee by any municipality, county or other political subdivision except as such exclusion may be prohibited by law.

2.Services with respect to congenital (hereditary) or developmental (following birth) malformations or cosmetic surgery or dentistry for purely cosmetic reasons, including but not limited to cleft palate, maxillary and mandibular (upper and lower jaw) malformations, enamel hypoplasia (lack of development), fluorosis (a type of discoloration) of the teeth, and andontia (congenitally missing teeth), except those services provided to newborn children for congenital defect or birth abnormalities or services that may be provided under Orthodontic Benefits.

3.Services for restoring tooth structure lost from wear, erosion, or abrasion, for rebuilding or maintaining chewing surfaces due to teeth out of alignment or occlusion, or for stabilizing the teeth. Such services include, but are not limited to: equilibration, periodontal splinting, occlusal adjustment.

4.Any single procedure started prior to the date the person became covered for such services under this program.

5.Prescribed drugs, medication or analgesia

6.Experimental procedures

7.Charges by any hospital or other surgical or treatment facility and any additional fees charged by the Dentist for treatment in any such facility.

8.Charges for anesthesia, other than by a licensed Dentist for administering general anesthesia in connection with covered oral surgery services.

9.Extra oral grafts (grafting of tissues from outside the mouth to oral tissues).

10.Services with respect to any disturbance of the temporomandibular joint (jaw joint).

11.Services performed by any person other than a Dentist or auxiliary personnel legally authorized to perform services under the direct supervision of a Dentist.

12.Replacement of teeth extracted prior to the member’s effective date are not covered benefits.

13.Replacement of an Crown, Jacket, Cast Restoration, Bridge or Denture that the patient received in the previous five (5) years.

See the limitation and exclusion disclosures for additional details.

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California Dental Insurance PPO Plan $2000 Max Underwritten by Standard Life Insurance Company

Apr. 25th 2011

Reviewing the Dental Insurance PPO Plan $2000 Max Underwritten by Standard Life Insurance Company. This dental insurance plan provides individual and family dental benefits. A family membership covers the applicant, spouse, and your dependent children ages 25 or younger. The dental insurance plan offers you a free choice of network plan dentists and you can change your dentist anytime by notifying the company. Your savings are in place when you visit your dentist so you just show up for your dental appointment and make your co-payment – what could be easier? Dental health care and orthodontic coverage is included for dependent children.

There is no waiting period for your preventive services to start. Please review the dental benefit co-payments below and see how easy it is for you or your entire family to enjoy these quality dental services. Just a reminder your online request must be processed on or before the 20th of the month prior to the following month’s coverage effective date.

Limitations on all Benefits – Optional Services:

Services that are more expensive than the form of treatment customarily provided under accepted dental practice standards are called “Optional Services.” Optional Services also include the use of specialized techniques instead of standard procedures. For example: a crown where a filling would restore the tooth, a precision denture where a standard denture could be used, or an inlay instead of a restoration. If you receive Optional Services, your Benefits will be based on the lower cost of the customary service or standard practice instead of the higher cost of the Optional Service. You will be responsible for the difference between the higher cost of the Optional Service and the lower cost of the customary service or standard practice.

Exclusions – The Insurance Company does not pay Benefits for:

1.Services for injuries or conditions which are compensable under workers’ compensation or employers’ liability laws; services which are provided to the Enrollee by any federal or state government agency or are provided without cost to the Enrollee by any municipality, county or other political subdivision except as such exclusion may be prohibited by law.

2.Services with respect to congenital (hereditary) or developmental (following birth) malformations or cosmetic surgery or dentistry for purely cosmetic reasons, including but not limited to cleft palate, maxillary and mandibular (upper and lower jaw) malformations, enamel hypoplasia (lack of development), fluorosis (a type of discoloration) of the teeth, and andontia (congenitally missing teeth), except those services provided to newborn children for congenital defect or birth abnormalities or services that may be provided under Orthodontic Benefits.

3.Services for restoring tooth structure lost from wear, erosion, or abrasion, for rebuilding or maintaining chewing surfaces due to teeth out of alignment or occlusion, or for stabilizing the teeth. Such services include, but are not limited to: equilibration, periodontal splinting, occlusal adjustment.

4.Any single procedure started prior to the date the person became covered for such services under this program.

5.Prescribed drugs, medication or analgesia

6.Experimental procedures

7.Charges by any hospital or other surgical or treatment facility and any additional fees charged by the Dentist for treatment in any such facility.

8.Charges for anesthesia, other than by a licensed Dentist for administering general anesthesia in connection with covered oral surgery services.

9.Extra oral grafts (grafting of tissues from outside the mouth to oral tissues).

10.Services with respect to any disturbance of the temporomandibular joint (jaw joint).

11.Services performed by any person other than a Dentist or auxiliary personnel legally authorized to perform services under the direct supervision of a Dentist.

12.Replacement of teeth extracted prior to the member’s effective date are not covered benefits.

13.Replacement of an Crown, Jacket, Cast Restoration, Bridge or Denture that the patient received in the previous five (5) years.

Posted by Sunny | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance PPO Plan $2000 Max Underwritten by Standard Life Insurance Company

California PrimeCare Dental HMO Plan 106 Review, Limitations, and Exclusions

Apr. 24th 2011

Reviewing the PrimeCare Dental HMO Plan 106. This dental plan offers individual and family dental services. Dependants include your spouse, domestic partner and/or unmarried children who are 23 years of age and younger. Children 24 years of age and over are eligible only while the child is and continues to be both (1) incapable of sustaining employment by reason of developmental disability or physical challenge, and (2) is chiefly dependent upon the subscriber for support and maintenance, provided proof of incapacity and dependency is furnished to dental plan company. There are no deductibles and no yearly limits on services, and there are no claim forms to fill out.

Your savings are in place when you visit a network dentist. You just show up for your dental appointment and make your co-payment – what could be easier? The dentists must meet the Plan’s standard of quality and service. All have agreed to provide dental care at a low cost available only to its members. There is no waiting period for your dental services to begin, pre-existing dental conditions are covered subject to the plan limitations and best of all, the dental plan services start the first day of next month if ordered by the 25th of this month. Review the sample schedule below and see how easy it is for you or your entire family to enjoy these quality dental services.

Primecare Dental Limitations & Exclusions: Speciality co-payments vary by service area. Specialty referral pre-authorization required.

1. Full mouth X-rays: Limited to one (1) set every three (3) years unless diagnostically necessary.

2. Bitewing X-Rays: Two (2) sets in any twelve (12) month period unless diagnostically necessary.

3. Sealants: Limited to molars, up to the 16th birthday.

4. Fluoride: Up to the 18th birthday two(2) in any twelve (12) month period.

5. Delivery of removable prosthodontics includes adjustments within six months of delivery date of service.

6. Periodontal scaling and root planning: Limited to four (4) quadrants per twenty-four (24) consecutive months in combination with routine prophylaxis.

7. The copayments listed for endodontic procedures do not include the cost of the final restoration.

8. Panoramic x-rays: One (1) in any three (3) year period unless diagnostically necessary.

9. Prophylaxis: covered once every six consecutive months.

10. Reline of a complete or partial denture: One (1) per denture in any twelve (12) month period, unless dentally necessary.

11. Rebase of a complete or partial denture: One (1) per denture in any twelve (12) month period, unless diagnostically necessary.

12. Replacement of partial or full dentures are covered once per arch every five (5) years, except when they cannot be made functional through reline or repairs.

13. Complete or partial dentures are not to exceed one per arch in a five (5) year period unless necessary due to natural tooth loss where the addition to an existing partial or denture is not feasible. Primecare Dental Plan 106/2010

14. Treatment of malignancies, cysts, or neoplasm.

15. Periodontal grafting or splinting.

16. Extractions of impacted teeth with no radiographic evidence of pathology (disease). The removal of asymptomatic third molars is not a covered benefit unless pathology (disease) exists.

17. General anesthesia, analgesia, intravenous /intramuscular sedation or the services of an anesthesiologist.

18. Elective or cosmetic dentistry that are cosmetic in nature including, but not limited to bonding, bleaching teeth, personalization or dentures, posterior composites, porcelain veneers unless covered as a benefit.

19. Orthodontic treatment in process, or extractions for orthodontic purposes.

20. Procedures, appliances or restorations whose primary purpose is to change the vertical deminsion of occlusion, correct congenital development or medically induced dental disorders including but not limited to treatment of myofunctional, myoskeletal, or tempormandibular joint disorders unless otherwise specifically listed as a covered benefit on the plans schedule of benefits.

21. Precision attachments, stress breakers, magnetic retention or overdenture attachments.

22. Cephalometric x-rays, except when performed as part of the orthodontic treatment plan and records for a covered course of comprehensive orthodontic treatment.

23. Inlays, onlays, crowns or fixed bridges started, but not completed, prior to the Member’s eligibility to receive benefits under this Plan.

24. (Inlays, onlays, crowns or fixed bridges are considered to be started when the tooth or teeth are prepared, and completed when the final restoration is permanently cemented).

25. Dentures or orthodontic treatment started prior to the Member’s eligibility to receive benefits under this Plan.

26. (Dentures are considered to be started when the impressions area taken. Orthodontic treatment is considered to be started when the teeth are banded).

27. Replacement of lost or stolen prosthetics or appliances including crowns, bridges, partial dentures, full dentures, and orthodontic appliance.

28. Any treatment requested, or appliances made, which are either not necessary for maintaining or improving dental health, or are for cosmetic purposes unless otherwise covered as a benefit.

29. Any procedure or treatment unable to be performed in the dental office due to the general health or physical limitation of the member.

30. Dental implants and services associated with the placement of implants, prosthodontic restoration of dental implants, and specialized implant maintenance services.

31. Oral surgery requiring the setting of bone fractures or dislocations, Hospitalization , Out- patient services, Ambulance services, Durable Medical Equipment, Mental Health services, Chemical dependency services, Home Health services.

32. Dispensing of drugs supplied in a dental office.

33. Any condition for which benefits of any nature are recovered or found to be recoverable, whether by adjudication or settlement, under any Worker’s Compensation or Occupational Disease Law, even though the Member fails to claim his or her rights to such benefit.

34. Any service or procedure associated with the placement, prosthodontic restoration or maintenance of a dental implant and any incremental charges to other covered services as a result of the presence of a dental implant.

35. Root canal treatment started, but not completed, prior to the Member’s legibility to receive benefits under this Plan.

36. (Root canal treatment is considered to be started when the pulp chamber is opened, and completed when the permanent root canal filling material is placed.)

37. Coverage is up to twenty-four (24) months of comprehensive orthodontic treatment. If treatment goes beyond twenty four (24) months is necessary, the Member will be responsible for additional charge for each additional month of treatment based up to the participating Orthodontic Specialist Dentist’s contracted fee.

38. If a Member transfer to another Participating Orthodontist after comprehensive orthodontic treatment has been started the Member will be responsible for any additional costs associated with the change in orthodontist and subsequent treatment.
Orthodontic Limitations and Exclusions

The Plan covers orthodontic services as listed under Covered Dental Services, limited to one course of treatment in lifetime. Orthodontic services are not covered if comprehensive treatment begins before the Member is eligible for benefits under the Plan. If a Member’s coverage terminates after the fixed banding appliances are inserted, the Participating Orthodontist Specialist Dentist After the termination date, the Member will be responsible for any additional monthly amounts. Orthodontic treatment shall only be provided by a member of the Plan orthodontic panel.

The following are exclusions of orthodontic coverage

1. Re-treatment of orthodontic cases, or changes in orthodontic treatment necessitated by any kind of accident.

2. Replacement or repair of orthodontic appliances damaged due to the neglect of the Member.

3. Tracings, records, study models, x-rays and photographs.

4. Initial examination, consultation, diagnosis, treatment planning, retention appliances and related visits.

5. Cephalometric x-rays.

6. Lost or broken appliances.

7. Myofunctional therapy.

8. Surgical procedures such as extractions of teeth strictly for the purpose of orthodontia.

9. Any jaw surgical procedure related to orthodontia.

10. Dental services of any nature, performed in hospital or convalescent home or anywhere outside the office or Plan provider.

11. Dispensing of drugs not normally supplied in an orthodontic practice.

12. Treatment related to Temporomandibular Join Dysfunction or hormonal imbalances.

Primecare Cancellation Policy

You may cancel your policy at any time by notifying Member Services in writing. For enrollment of a continuous period of 12 months may cancel your policy only within the first 30 days after enrollment and receive a full refund provided that you have not used your benefits during that period.

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SafeGuard Premier Choice HMO Dental Plan In California

Apr. 23rd 2011

Reviewing the SafeGuard Premier Choice HMO Dental Plan. This dental plan provides individual and family dental benefits. A family membership covers your lawful spouse or registered domestic partner; your unmarried children or grandchildren through age 25 for whom you provide care (including adopted children, step-children, or other children for whom you are required to provide dental care pursuant to a court or administrative order); your children who are incapable of self-sustaining employment and support due to a developmental disability or physical handicap and who are dependent on your for their support and maintenance (you must furnish SafeGuard with proof of dependent status, as provided by law).

The dental insurance plan offers you a free choice of network plan dentists and you can change your dentist anytime by notifying the company. Your savings are in place when you visit your dentist so you just show up for your dental appointment and make your co-payment – what could be easier? Dental health care and orthodontic coverage is included for dependent children. There is no waiting period for your preventive services to start. Please review the dental benefit co-payments below and see how easy it is for you or your entire family to enjoy these quality dental services. Just a reminder your mail-in application must be received by the dental plan company on or before the 20th of the month prior to the following month’s coverage effective date.

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Copyright 2011 (c)., DEL AMO Insurance Services, Inc., Harbor City, Los Angeles, California