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How much are tooth extractions in Los Angeles, California?

Mar. 20th 2011

How much are tooth extractions in Los Angeles, California? I always recommend you to speak to the dentist that is doing the work and ask him/her any questions you may have before and after. Not only does that help you in understanding what is expected from you but helps the dentist in treating you. They normally will give you some type of care instructions that they feel is right for you.

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Best Dental Insurance Plans in Los Angeles, California

Feb. 19th 2011

Most of the best individual dental insurance plans require you to satisfy waiting periods and deductibles before having major and sometimes even minor restorative work done but not all of them. Best dental plans help make maintaining good oral health a lot more affordable…and, with no waiting periods or complicated coverage procedures, dental discount plans are about as simple as you can get.

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Dental insurance quote for having bridge work done in San Francisco, California

Feb. 18th 2011

Dental insurance quote for having bridge work done in San Francisco, California: Dental insurance quote for having bridge work done: I need to get dental insurance so I can have three teeth pull and a dental bridge put in.   I am not sure want dental insurance plan does bridges since all the plans I seen on line say nothing about bridge work. Can you provide me with a quote for dental insurance that offers coverages for dental bridge work?  And can you also give me an idea of cost for getting a bridge.  I really want something soon so I can fix my teeth.

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Individual Dental Insurance Quote in San Diego, California

Feb. 14th 2011

Individual Dental Insurance Quote in San Diego, California: I am going to school full time in California and and I need dental insurance.  I have my medical though my parents plan but since they do not have dental I need to get that on my own. I am not sure want to look for online and I just need a basic dental plan for preventive dental care.  I am due for my next dental cleaning in the next month and I would like to have something before my next appointment.   Can you give me a low cost dental plan quote?

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Untreated Dental Caries (Cavities) in Children Ages 2-19, California

Jan. 1st 2011

Untreated Dental Caries (Cavities) in Children Ages 2-19, California: Over 19% of children ages 2-19 have untreated cavities; a child’s complete preventive dental program should include fluoride, twice-daily brushing, wise food choices, and regular dental care.

During August, families across the country will prepare to send kids back to school. It’s a great time to check whether your children have had dental exams in the past 6 months. If not, please schedule them as soon as possible. CDC is rerunning this data & statistics feature to emphasize the importance of untreated cavities in kids.

CDC is highlighting data about untreated dental caries (cavities) in children ages 2-19 in the United States, during three time periods: 1971-1974; 1988-1994; and 2001-2004. While percentages of untreated cavities have declined from 1971-1974 (25% in children ages 2-5 and 54.7% in children ages 6-19), data for the most recent time period still show high levels of untreated cavities: 19.5% in children ages 2-5 and 22.9% in children ages 6-19.

Sex Not a Significant Factor

A breakout by sex shows similar percentages during each time period by age group. Among 2-5 year olds, males had 26.4% untreated cavities in 1971-1974; 19.3% in 1988-1994 and 20.0% in 2001-2004; respectively, females had 23.6% untreated cavities in 1971-1974; 18.9% in 1988-1994 and 20.1% in 2001-2004. Among 6-19 year olds, percentages of cavities dropped by more than half from 1971-1974 data to the later for both sexes (54.9% in males and 54.5% in females) to the 1988-1994 (22.8% in males and 24.5% in females) and 2001-2004 (23.9% in males and 22.0% in females) time periods.

Race and Hispanic Origin a Significant Factor

Black children and Hispanic children of Mexican origin had significantly higher percentages of untreated cavities than white, non-Hispanic children. In the two time periods for which data are available for all races, 1988-1994 and 2001-2004, respectively, 13.8% and 14.5% of white, non-Hispanic children ages 2-5 had untreated cavities, as compared with 24.7% and 24.2% of black children ages 2-5 and 34.9% and 29.2% of Hispanic children of Mexican origin ages 2-5. For 6-19 year olds in 1988-1994 and 2001-2004, respectively, the percentages were 18.8% and 19.4% of white children, 33.7% and 28.1% of black children and 36.5% and 30.6% of Hispanic children of Mexican origin.

Percent of Poverty Level a Significant Factor

Between 2001 and 2004, 19.6% of 2-5 year olds and 31.5% of 6-19 year olds below 100% of the poverty level had untreated cavities, as compared with 25.4% of 2-5 year olds and 32.7% of 6-19 year olds between 100% and less than 200% of the poverty level. In contrast, only 12.1% of 2-5 year olds and 14.7% of 16-19 year olds

Untreated dental caries, or cavities, refers to untreated coronal caries, that is, caries on the crown or enamel surface of the tooth. Root tips are classified as coronal caries. Root caries are not included. For children 2–5 years of age, only dental caries in primary teeth were evaluated. Caries in both permanent and primary teeth were evaluated for children 6–11 years of age. For children 12–19 years of age and adults, only dental caries in permanent teeth were evaluated.

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