Individual Family Indemnity Dental Discount Plans HMO PPO



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California Dental Insurance, Pros and Cons of a Dental Discount Plan.

10/13/15 6:03 AM

Dental discount plans are a good low cost alternative to dental insurance. Like insurance it has it pros and cons.


* Most dental discount plans starts the first of next month or within the next business day from ordering it on line.

* Most dental discount plans do not have any waiting periods, max limitations, or deductibles

* You are not assigned to a dental provider office though you do need to go to plan providers.


* You have to go to plan providers. There is no outside dental discounts.

* You pay for all dental services but at a reduced or discount price.

* Dental discount plans are not insurance they are discount plans.

Posted on 10/13/15 6:03 AM | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance, Pros and Cons of a Dental Discount Plan.

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