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Individual Dental Healthcare Insurance in Sacramento, California

05/03/11 6:12 AM

Individual Dental Health care Insurance in California. Currently I am on a Cobra Dental Plan. My Cobra plan has both my health care and dental care. I will however be loosing my Cobra plan in another two months. I was able to find major medical that I can sorta afford but it did not have any dental benefits.

I am in school part time and working a full time job but I do not get any benefits from my job for another five months and I was already told dental is not included. At this point I do not have much extra spending money but I would like some dental care I hoping to find a good but low cost dental care plan that I can get as a single individual. Can you please advise?

Posted on 05/03/11 6:12 AM | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Individual Dental Healthcare Insurance in Sacramento, California

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