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The Number One Cause of Tooth Loss is Gum Disease.

09/14/16 1:06 PM

 Periodontal disease causes more tooth loss then dental decay. 

Many people many have no cavities but still have gum disease.  Preventive dental care at home such as brushing twice a day and flossing daily will help prevent gum disease.  Unfortunately according to several medical statistics as much as 90% of people aged 35 and older are struggling with some sort of periodontal complications.

The ADA had conducted a research and the results showed that people who have a history of periodontal disease are exposed to a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer, as well as other major health issues.

Posted on 09/14/16 1:06 PM | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on The Number One Cause of Tooth Loss is Gum Disease.

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