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Do bites correct faster with your wisdom teeth out? Need a California Dental Plan

03/19/11 6:02 AM

Do bites correct faster with your wisdom teeth out? Need a California Dental Plan:

If your orthodontist is advising you to get them pulled asap, maybe it is because they are currently doing damage to your other teeth (making them crooked) or they will do damage to your teeth.  If you are not 100% clear on why your orthodontist is saying to have them pulled. Then asked them. Getting them out may not make anything faster but will prevent problems with your teeth while you are in braces and after they are removed.

Hope this has helped

Posted on 03/19/11 6:02 AM | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Do bites correct faster with your wisdom teeth out? Need a California Dental Plan

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